Dividend Growth Investing And The Joy Of Doing Nothing

download“You do things when the opportunities come along. I’ve had periods in my life when I’ve had a bundle of ideals come along, and I’ve had long dry spells. If I get an idea next week, I’ll do something. If not, I won’t do a damn thing.”

“Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies. And if they insist on trying to time their participation in equities, they should try to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful.”

“The stock market is a no-called-strike game. You don’t have to swing at everything – you can wait for your pitch.”

– Quotes by Warren Buffett.

What do these quotes mean, and why am I starting an article off with them? Well, I don’t have a lot of real compelling stock ideas right now. I certainly have my eye on a number of high quality companies that I’d either love to own a part of, or increase my ownership stake in. But I feel that investors are being a bit greedy right now, so I’m consciously choosing to be a bit fearful. While I abstain from timing the market or valuing the entire market, I continue to believe in thoughtfully valuing individual companies through qualitative and quantitative analysis and only purchasing shares when they are trading for prices comfortably below their intrinsic value which confers a margin of safety. And right now I’m finding margins of safety on high quality companies to be few and far between.

As many of you know, I’m extremely bullish on equities over the long-term and I’ve invested monthly excess savings from my day job into dividend growth stocks every single month for three years save for a short period of time last summer when I took a break from blogging and investing. However, this may be one of those rare times I don’t purchase stocks during the course of a month.

What I’ve found is that dividend growth investing is wonderful for times like this, when the stock market is valued at all-time highs and us value-oriented investors are left scratching our heads for attractive opportunities in which to put new capital to work. Dividend growth investing can actually be wonderful for inactivity.

The joy of doing nothing can be powerful indeed because the wonderful companies that I’m already invested in – companies like Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)The Coca-Cola Company (KO) andPhilip Morris International Inc. (PM) – these companies are still sending me dividend payments just the same as they have for decades before. The great thing is that these dividends continue to stockpile in my brokerage account. It’s like a wealth snowball being built right in front of me, except I’m not doing any of the work. I’m not rolling any snow or trying to source a carrot nose. The companies are actually increasing my liquidity so that I can take advantage of Mr. Market’s eventual mood change. At that time I’ll be very ready to be greedy when others are fearful.

I still have a couple days to purchase shares in a high quality company before the month ends, but if I don’t I’m comforted by the knowledge that I don’t have to swing at every pitch. Maybe the pitch that Mr. Market is throwing at me right now is a wide-left ball. Maybe in two weeks I’ll have a fastball right down the middle that allows me to get on base. Who knows. What I do know is that I’m slightly empowered right now by inactivity, and I’m realizing the joy in actually doing nothing.

As I’ve said many times on this blog, a dividend growth stock portfolio that’s providing solid passive income doesn’t build itself, and so for over three years I’ve been wiring money from my checking account to my brokerage account like a giddy schoolgirl, anticipating buying stocks as soon as the wire transaction cleared. And that strategy has worked very well, allowing me to build a six-figure portfolio during that three year period.

But right now I do wonder if being fearful while others are greedy isn’t a prudent move to make. As always, I believe cash to be a horrible asset that will only guarantee losses to inflation over time. However, liquidity via excess capital can be a powerful tool indeed if Mr. Market’s historically bi-polar personality profile takes a sudden turn from manic to depressive.

In conclusion, I am currently finding some solace in doing nothing. I am not seeing many high quality companies that are trading at prices with any significant degree of a margin of safety to their intrinsic value, and so due to such I take great pleasure in continuing to receive my dividends from the wonderful companies I’m invested in. I know that these companies are building me a nice little balance sheet with growing cash. I may not have an elephant gun when the time is right like ol’ Warren, but I’ll be happy to go hunting with the pea shooter that my investments are providing me. Free bullets, anyone?

How about you? Find the joy in doing nothing, while collecting your dividends? 

Thanks for reading.

About the author:

Trying to retire by 40 by investing in dividend growth stocks and living frugally, valuing time over money.Visit Dividend Mantra’s Website

Best Natural Ways to Reduce Inflammation and Pain

inflimationInflammation — what does the word mean to you? For most people, it’s a swollen cut or the swelling that occurs with pain or injury. And while, yes, these outward signs indicate inflammation, this same action happens deep inside the body. This natural process takes place when the body’s normal protective mechanisms are lacking or even over-acting.

In some, inflammation is chronic because their bodies are exposed to stress: internal, such as eating a high-fat diet or smoking; and external, such as difficult relationships or life events, like a divorce or death of a loved one. Research has shown that chronic inflammation is linked to a wide range of health problems including arthritis, allergies, cancer, diabetes and heart disease, among others. Luckily, there are many natural remedies for inflammation that effectively work to provide natural inflammation relief.

1. Açai Berry

All hail, antioxidants and the Amazon berry that has an abundance of them — açai (pronounced: ahh-sa-ee). According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Açai-rich juice may reduce levels of inflammation markers linked to conditions such as heart disease by protecting cells from oxidative damage.

“Given the high content of certain specific polyphenols in the juice blend, the increased antioxidant protection [in the body] after consumption of the juice blend, and the anti-inflammatory capacity in vitro, further research is warranted to evaluate whether juice blend consumption may provide reversal of risk markers in subjects with conditions such as arthritis, obesity, chronic viral diseases, cardiovascular disease and compromised cognitive function, as well as other conditions associated with chronic inflammation,” wrote lead author Gitte Jensen from Holger NIS Inc., a contract research laboratory.

Other research has indicated that the açai berry contains a wide array of inflammation-fighting antioxidant compounds and has great potential to be used as a natural inflammation remedy.

2. Flax Seed Oil

A tiny super seed chock full of essential omega-3 fatty acids can give inflammation a one-two punch. The omega-3s its oil contains can help the body reduce C-reactive protein, a marker that is present in the body when inflammation is present. According to a study published in Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, healthy postmenopausal women who ate low-fat muffins enriched with flax seeds for six weeks saw a 15% reduction C-reactive protein. Flax seeds also contain lignans, which may protect against breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

Flax seeds and flax seed oil have many health benefits, and as this research indicates, they may serve as an effective remedy to naturally decrease inflammation.

3. Quercetin

What do red grapes, broccoli and green tea have in common? They all contain quercetin, a natural antioxidant that has been shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Recently, Chinese researchers reported in the November 2008 issue of Molecular Biology Reports that quercetin negatively alters intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1)—one of the important pro-inflammatory factors—especially in the early phase of inflammation.

As more and more research reveals, quercetin has great potential to serve as a natural anti-inflammatory, and may also boost immunity.

4. Zinc

Many people take zinc to fight off a cold or virus, and now research shows that zinc may also be a natural inflammation remedy. Popping zinc regularly can help reduce inflammation and has also been shown to fight infections in older people. Researchers at Wayne State University in Detroit, tested whether zinc supplementation decreases oxidative stress. They found that consuming 25 mg three times a day for three months decreased TNF-alpha, a cytokine that amplifies inflammation. (Bao B, et al. Transl Res. 2008 Aug;152(2):67-80. Epub 2008 Jul 11.)

5. Fish Oil

It shouldn’t surprise you that more research has emerged touting this omega-3-rich super supplement’s natural anti-inflammatory powers. The latest comes from the United Kingdom. Researchers found that taking 3.5 g of fish oil daily for six weeks may activate anti-inflammatory and lipid modulating mechanisms believed to impede the early onset of coronary heart disease. (de Roos B et al. Proteomics. 2008 May;8(10):1965-74.)

Bahar Asar
Health and Wellness Coach
Trivia Affiliate # 15014500

How to Improve Your Health Quickly with Probiotics

praventinM-pg-bannerIf you’ve ever suffered from annoying digestive issues like heartburn, gas, bloating, constipation or stomach upset, you know how much poor digestion can negatively impact your quality of life. However, you may think that digestive distress is just about being uncomfortable, but the fact is, when your digestion suffers, so do many other aspects of your health.

Your body depends on a healthy, optimally functioning digestive tract to efficiently break down the foods you eat, extract essential nutrients and eliminate toxins. And in truth, the seemingly minor digestive complaints so many people struggle with on a daily basis are actually precursors to much more serious health problems. Unfortunately, this connection has long been overlooked by conventional medicine.

The Little-Known Effects
of Poor Digestion
  • Low energy
  • Mood swings
  • Weight gain
  • Skin problems
  • Weak immunity
  • Inflammation

To make matters worse, the approach most doctors take to “help” patients complaining of digestive discomfort is to prescribe drugs that do nothing to address the underlying cause of the problem and are riddled with side effects. For example, when people complain of heartburn, doctors frequently recommend acid blocking medications, also known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which are the third highest selling class of drugs in the U.S. Many people take PPIs for years, not realizing that they interfere with absorption of nutrients like vitamin B12 and magnesium, cause bone loss and increase the risk of contracting a deadly infection. These drugs also cause rebound symptoms, which is to say, they actually make heartburn worse, leading many people to become increasingly dependent on them for relief.

The Crucial Digestion Connection

probiotics2More and more research is showing that when your digestion suffers, so does your overall health.[1] Poor digestion can make it difficult for your body to absorb crucial nutrients from the food you eat and to eliminate harmful toxins, resulting in nutritional deficiencies and systemic toxicity. The buildup of toxic matter inside the intestines promotes the growth of harmful microbes, which can set the stage for indigestion and eventually, more serious digestive disorders. This toxic buildup can contaminate the bloodstream and make digestion uncomfortable and progressively less efficient.

Additionally, here’s a surprising fact: Roughly 80% of your immune system is actually found in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract![2] This means that your gut is a key player when it comes to maintaining a strong immune system and optimal overall health.

Why Do People Struggle with Poor Digestion
The underlying cause of most digestive complaints is simple: a microbial imbalance. Our GI tracts are colonized with bacteria beginning from the day we’re born, and as a result, our intestines are brimming with many different strains of bacteria, some beneficial — some not. The “bad” microbes promote disease, while the “good” microbes promote efficient digestion, helping us to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins. These friendly bacteria, also known as probiotics (which means “for life”), stimulate the immune system and work to crowd out the bad microbes.

As a result, when we eliminate or reduce the good microbes from our body, we set ourselves up for nutritional deficiencies, the build-up of dangerous toxins, increased susceptibility to infection — and a whole cascade of health problems. Exposure to antibiotics, antibacterial hand soaps and environmental pollutants, as well as poor eating habits and stress can all quickly kill off good bacteria.[3] In fact, antibiotics are one of the very worst culprits, since they are literally designed to quickly kill bacteria (both the good and bad types) in your body, and since so many doctors prescribe them unnecessarily.

Improve Your Health Quickly with Probiotics

digestive-system-healthThe latest scientific research is showing that it’s crucial to make sure you’ve got plenty of good bacteria in your body.[4] And while this may seem like news from the cutting-edge of science — humans throughout the world have actually known this for centuries. Throughout history, people have used fermented foods, which are naturally high in probiotics, such as yogurt, cheese, miso and cultured vegetables, to support intestinal health.

Unfortunately, in this modern day and age, most of us need a little extra help, even if we regularly consume fermented foods. Of course, the big food and pharmaceutical companies are trying to capitalize on the growing popularity of probiotics and have come up with a slew of “probiotic” drinks, snacks and pills that are little more than marketing hype. And of course, as with any health trend, there are some shady supplement companies out there hawking probiotic pills that offer little to no benefits whatsoever.[5] But this doesn’t mean you should stay away from probiotics. In fact, taking a high quality probiotic supplement may make many nagging health problems quickly disappear. However, it’s important to choose the right product so you’re not wasting time, money and the opportunity to revolutionize your health!

Most Probiotic Supplements Are DOA!

Here’s some essential information that you need to know about probiotic supplements: The live bacteria most contain are literally DEAD ON ARRIVAL by the time they make it to you. That’s because most probiotic supplements require consistently cold temperatures to keep the bacteria alive. Even if the bottle is refrigerated in the store when you buy it, you can’t be sure it was refrigerated in the truck, in the warehouse, etc. Just a few hours of exposure to light or heat is all it takes to kill the microbes. And unfortunately, the few advanced formulas out there that don’t require refrigeration are absurdly expensive.

How to Avoid Wasting Your Money on Probiotics
As I explained above, most of the probiotic supplements you’ll find out there don’t have what it takes to get the job done — and some are literally worthless! Here are four things to look for to ensure that you’re spending your money on a supplement that’s vital and truly effective:

  1. Shelf stability: Take a product made using advanced Heat Stabilization Technology (HST) so that it does not require refrigeration. This way, you can be sure the friendly bacteria are still alive and thriving. Look for a formula that guarantees at least 10 billion colony forming units (CFU).
  2. Multiple bacterial strains: Just a single strain of bacteria won’t cut it for broad-spectrum health benefits. Look for a supplement that provides these five bacterial strains, which have the most research backing their effectiveness: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.[6,7,8,9,10]
  3. Prebiotics: Research shows that when prebiotics are added to a probiotic supplement, they help good bacteria to adhere to the intestines and can significantly enhance the effectiveness of the probiotics.[11]
  4. A reasonable price: Some people mistakenly believe if you pay more for a probiotic supplement you get better quality. My advice is to avoid paying more than $20 for a one month supply. There are many companies making bogus marketing claims and charging more than three times this.

Scientific References:

1. Lipski, E. (2004). Digestive wellness. McGraw-Hill.Bjarnason, I. (2005).
2. Dig Liver Dis. 2006 Dec;38(Suppl 2):S256-60.
3. Dysbiosis: A Good Neighborhood Gone Bad. Digestive Wellness, 42(8), 382.
4. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2011 Jan;27(1):61-5.
5. ConsumerLab.com. Product Review: Probiotics for Adults, Children and Pets. Retrieved 5.3.12.
6. J Dairy Sci. 2011 Jul;94(7):3288-94.
7. J Physiol Pharmacol. 2009 Dec;60 Suppl 6:5-11.
8. J Indust Microb. 1990 Dec; 6(4):263-267.
9. Pediatrics. 1991 Jul; 88(1):90-97.
10. Brit J Nutr. 2000; 83(02):167-176.
11. Altern Med Rev. 2008 Dec;13(4):315-29.

How Autoresponders Can Make You More Money


How Autoresponders Can Make You More Money

First: What is an Autoresponder?

The simple way to explain an Autoresponder is to think of it
as program that automatically responds to email sent to it.

Our Autoresponders not only automatically answers emails sent
but it remembers who sent the email and follows up with them
whenever you tell it to… automatically.

Effective sales people know that the fortune is in the
follow-up. This is why good sales people spend so much
time following up on past clients, making repeat sales
calls, sending postcard reminders, sending out brochures
to the same people, going through their list of contacts
to see who they haven’t talked to in a while.

The TrafficWave.net Autoresponder takes care of following
up with your online prospects automatically.

Second: Why do you need an Autoresponder?

Experts tell us that it takes an average of 7 different
contacts to close a sale.

If you are not following up with your prospects on a
regular basis, you are losing sales!

As your list of prospects grows, it becomes more and more
difficult and time consuming to figure out when you last
spoke with which prospect and which information you send them.

In our global economy, business is being conducted 24 hours
a day. It would be impossible for you to personally follow up
24 hours a day.

Your Autoresponder can manage all of your prospects, remember
when it sent your last sales letter, what that letter was
about, and it can do all of this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Imagine being able to completely automate your sales letters.

Imagine being able to build, manage, and profit from your own
online contact list.

Imagine being able to broadcast special offers or announcements.

Imagine being able to remotely update your sales letters any time.

Imagine being able to instantly test ad copy or special offers.

With TrafficWave.net Autoresponders, you can do all of this and

This system runs 24 hours a day… 7 days a week… whether you
are at the office, sleeping, having lunch, or enjoying some free
time with your family. Your Autoresponder never sleeps!

Because you are able to generate more leads and more efficiently
manage your follow up, you will have more time to develop and
test effective ad copy, spend time with family or friends, or
even develop new product lines and marketing approaches!

Here are just a few things you can do with your Autoresponders:

* Automate Sales Letters
* Training Messages
* Promote Business Opportunities
* Publish Your Ezine
* Distribute Product Information
* Build Your Contact List
* Broadcast Special Offers
* Mailing List Manager
* Network Marketing
* Customer Service
* Internal Memos
* And more!

When you use TrafficWave.net’s Autoresponder system, you get:

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* Unlimited Campaigns
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* Unlimited Professional Training and Support

Third: How much does the Autoresponder cost?

Right now, we are offering a FREE 30 Day Trial of our
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don’t see how this system can help your business, do nothing.
Your account will automatically expire at the end of the 30 day
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Thousands of people have used this Autoresponder system to
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At the end of your 30 day trial, you can simply let the account
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We can get you started within the next five minutes. And
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Autoresponder along with our other tools, and begin to experience
the power of automated online marketing for yourself.


Yours in success,

Adam Asar


Do You Want Lots of Extra Pay Days Per Year?


It has been said that 10% of new millionaires in the US over the past ten years have done it by building businesses through network marketing.

mlm-trainingEven well known authors and business people such as Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad), Donald Trump (Trump University) and Tony Robbins (Robbins Institute) have all stated that Home Based Businesses and particularly network marketing, direct sales and MLMs will be the biggest growth industry of the next decade.

The highly respected Forbes Magazine forecast that an incredible 79,000,000 new home based businesses would start over the next three years. That’s over 500,000 a week – and just in the U.S.

Entrepreneur Magazine estimates that the US home-based business industry may be worth over $420 billion a year; that’s more than pharmacy; food; and consumer goods combined; with an average home office household earning of 65,000 US dollars a year.

With increasing financial uncertainty; job lay-offs and a shift in thinking to create a better lifestyle, home based businesses as either an additional part-time income or replacement of primary income can only grow massively over the coming years.

I will tell you a wellness company that i am involved with and seeing amazing success. That company is TriVita.

Trivita’s unmatched Compensation Plan gives you several ways to earn generous commissions every week in direct proportion to your ability to sell Trivita’s products to your customers and build an organization of Independent Associates who do the same.

I will show you how to start earning more money with the TriVita business model. Call me if you want to talk to me with any additional questions.

Hello, my name is Bahar Asar, and I am going to show you how to earn 60 extra pay days per year which breaks down to 5 extra pay days per month.

Five extra pay days per month times 12 months is 60 more pay days per year. Would this be helpful in paying your bills, saving money or anything else you could think of.

TriVita provides you with a great way to make more money. You can make a little or a lot, it basically depends on how many customers you get.

If you got 10 new customers per month, this would start adding up to a nice extra cash flow.

If you got 1 person who wanted to become an Independent TriVita business owner and they got 10 new customers per month, this would start adding up also.

What if you got 20 new customers per month and you also got 10 new Independent TriVita business owners who got 10-20 new customers every month?

They are more than a few ways to earn an extra income here!

I personally like to focus on getting new customers. The commissions of front line customers after the first 60 days is 21%. This is higher than down line customers and affiliate members. Remember also that the comp paln for the first 30-60 days is 30% and there are also other commissions for the first 30-60 days.

Don’t forget, in the TriVita business model your customers are your customers, even on reorders. TriVita knows where commissions are paid through the customer id# and business owner id#.

If your customer reorders 10 times you get commissions 10 times. I have customers who have reordered over and over and I never even spoke to them. The call center took care of everything or the customer ordered online. I still got paid! You will too!

I would encourage you to take advantage of this extra income opportunity. You can also call me with additional questions and also for on-going help and support in building your extra income. TriVita also has a call center that will
answer all your questions, your customers questions and also take your orders and your customers orders.

In this blog post I will explain how you can start earning an extra income with no start up fees. You can start earning an income right away if you meet some very simple qualifications.
Owning the Rights To Your Customers

This is very important to earning true residual income.

A customers is not an affiliate member or a distributor. A customer just wants the products. Every successful business model needs customers.

You don’t by stuff at stores because you want to sell stores stuff. Many home based opportunities operate this way, the whole down line geaneology is made up of distributors.

The TriVita business model doesn’t operate this way. Most all of my downline are just customers, not affiliate members, not distributors, not Independent TriVita business owners. A customers just wants products.

In many other home base businesses, or work from programs that you may have tried before, all your downline were distributors or affiliate members. If they left for another company and pulled their downline with them, upline incomes
Here are some advantages of being part of Our Team

1. Fair payout to all
2. It only takes two to begin
3. Seamless global plan
4. Excellent growth opportunity
5. Multiple ways to earn money
6. Online tools
7. Teamwork incentives
8. Leveraged income
9. Exponential growth
10. Low risk, big potential

If I left for another company ( I am not going to ) all my customers would roll up to my upline, his income would go up, not down.


There are many people looking to earn an extra income or supplement their income. Most of my focus goes to promoting the products at my other websites focusing on the TriVita
products, especially Nopalea, the top selling product at TriVita.

Start an Independent TriVita Business

No start up fees!

No TriVita back office fees!

No affiliate website fees!

TriVita has an excellent line of health and wellness products, the top selling product is as seen on TV “Nopalea” for pain and inflammation. Maybe you have even seen the infomercial about our top selling product, the Nopal cactus juice – Nopalea.

We have recently also introduced an excellent line of products from the Amazon rain forest.

Nopalea is also a great detox diet supplement to add to your daily diet. Nopalea has a very low return rate, and all products have an incredible 60 day money back guarantee.
As an Independent TriVita business owner, you will get paid commissions when you get customers and also when those customers re-order products. There are other ways to earn commissions, but focus on getting new customers, this is the
fastest way to start making money right away as an independent TriVita business owner.

You can see additional post in this blog that will provide you with additional info about the opportunity.

Once you get new customers, you will see those customers in your TriVita back office. TriVita does not charge you for back office and affiliate websites. TriVita gives all customers and all Independent business owners id numbers. When customers reorder, TriVita can identify where commissions are owed by the unique id numbers.

Your customers will be mailed a VitaJournal and TriVita product catalog as soon as they order any two products. These amazing magazines will encourage your customers to reorder products and keep them informed on the Trivita products and overall health and wellness. There is no cost to you or your customers for these magazines, TriVita covers the cost.

Sign up here at no charge – Start a TriVita business.

If you want more information, keep reading about this excellent income opportunity.

What are your requirements to start making more money with TriVita?

You must order at least 1 TriVita product within 1 year to remain an independent TriVita business owner. This is a pretty simple requirement and a very easy requirement, anybody can do this.

change-your-lifeAll independent TriVita business owners must be at least 18 years of age.

TriVita pays commissions 5 times per month. Every Friday plus an additional payment on the 10th of each month.

Obviously you must have commissions due to get paid. You get paid commissions when you get customers and business owners who buy TriVita products. Nopalea is the top selling product at TriVita.

To meet the requirement to get paid commissions, all you need to do is order at least 1 bottle of Nopalea or other products that amount to $40.00 in volume. To get paid in June, you need $40.00 dollars of personal volume in June. To get paid in July, you need $40.00 of personal volume in July. This is a very easy requirement!

There is no auto ship requirement, but I recommend ordering $40.00 on autoship. Remember, TriVita pays every Friday and an additional commission payment on the 10th of every month. If you get a customer on week 1 of the month and don’t order your $40.00 requirement (to get paid) until week three, you wont get paid unless you are on auto ship for that week one customer.

I do a $40.00 volume autoship so if I get a new customer on week one, I still get paid. You can always order on any day of the month with or without autoship, but don’t miss out on getting paid commissions for a customer you got on the first week of the month but didn’t order your requirement ($40.00 volume) until the last week of the month.

Compensation plan

There are two compensation plans in TriVita.

The first plan is for the first 30-60 days.
This plan pays weekly, every Friday and allows you to earn money very quickly.

See the compensation plan in my additional posts to the right side of this blog. There is also a post I wrote on ” Things to consider before starting a home business“, you may want to read that post.

The second plan takes effect after 30-60 days and this is paid on the 10th of every month.

Contact me with questions or see the comp plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is TriVita? How reliable is the company?
  • Founded since in 1999, TriVita headquartered in Scottsdale Arizona, is a privately held formulator and provider of natural dietary supplements for people. TriVita ranked No. 70 on the Direct Selling News 2012 Global 100 list – leaping from No. 92 in 2011 – with $102 million in net sales. The merger with Amazon Herb (Founder John Easterling and Olivia Newton-John) on August 31, 2012 obviously makes the company even larger.
    «« News »»TriVita is a member of Better Business Bureau and Direct Selling Association. Providing the consumers with the products they need to achieve greater wellness is a tremendous responsibility – it’s one that TriVita take very seriously. That’s why TriVita developed, and rigorously follow, a strict adherence to a code of quality, integrity and innovation, that includes:- 10 Foundational Values
    – Team of Healthcare Professionals
    – Physician Approved Formula
    – 60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee
  • I have been in direct-sell business before. What makes TriVita different?
  • TriVita’s unique co-op advertising program makes it different than all other direct sell company. You don’t need to sell anything or recruit anyone if you don’t want to. TriVita will do all the work for you. Together with Be Well and Wealth System, it makes all the difference in the world!

OR call with referral #15014500 (Why?)

1-877-850-2968 (USA and Canada)1-800-257-538 (Australia)0-800-451-569 (New Zealand)

1-480-337-4202 (EU Countries)

1-480-337-4203 (Asia Pacific)

Order any of the TriVita supplements including Nopalea at our very secure online websites.

All TriVita products have a 60 day money back guarantee!

Learn about our affiliate marketing program and how to make extra money, see more below.

Pain and inflammation – TriVita Nopalea

Adaptogens for stress relief – Adaptogen 10 Plus  Adaptogens, Aloe vera and Antioxidants

Lose weight  – Leanology

Fatigue & Vitamin B12 –  Sublingual B12 & Energy Now !


Call TriVita  – 1-800-991-7116 to place orders by phone

Use Referral # 15014500  Bahar Asar

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Equities: Unlimited Upside With Limited Downside

stocksI’m a huge fan of investing in stocks, as you can probably tell by my almost 100% allocation to the asset class in my Freedom Fund. More specifically, I’m very enthusiastic about investing in ownership stakes with high quality companies that have a history of rewarding shareholders by paying out a portion of profits via dividends. Furthermore, I stick to an even narrower universe of these high quality companies that not only pay these dividends, but raise them on a regular basis (at least annually). I’ve discussed before why I’m such a huge fan of this strategy, known as dividend growth investing. But today I’m going to reveal one of the biggest reasons I’m so enamored with investing in stocks as an asset class, and this can be broadly applied to stocks that pay dividends or do not pay dividends.

With investing in stocks, one needs to consider that the potential upside is almost unlimited while the potential downside is limited to only your original capital investment.You can invest $1,000 with “Company X” and this equity stake can only do one of three things: it can appreciate in value, it can depreciate in value or the value can stay static.

Obviously the least desirable of these three outcomes is that the value depreciates. But this is the true beauty in investing in stocks. Your stock can only depreciate to $0, but nothing more. A stock cannot go below $0. Therefore your biggest downside is losing all of your capital. If “Company X” goes bankrupt and your entire equity stake becomes worthless (actually highly unlikely in reality) you lose all the capital you initially invested. In this case you lose $1,000.

But what if the company becomes wildly successful?

Let’s say you hold your equity stake in “Company X” for 20 years and the company increases in value by a factor of 10. That means your $1,000 investment becomes $10,000. That’s a capital gain of $9,000. And if “Company X” pays dividends your initial investment has a gain that is even larger than this (especially if you’re reinvesting the dividends). You risked $1,000 and gained $9,000 in this case. Think it doesn’t work like that? Doesn’t happen in real life? Think again.

Let’s take a look at a real-life example. 

You could have invested $1,000 in Altria Group Inc. (MO) (then known as Philip Morris) on 5/25/1983, which would have bought you 16.88 shares (closing price $59.25). That was 20 years ago. Those shares are now worth $15,023.80 on a split-adjusted basis (you now have 405.06 shares). That means you only put $1,000 on the line, but received over $14,000 for a gain of 6,390.83%. In this case the downside was 100%, but the upside turned out to be over 6,000%. (Source)

Obviously this is cherry picking a name from the past, but the point remains: your downside to investing in stocks is limited only to the capital you invested, while the upside is theoretically unlimited. Therefore, I feel the reward to investing in stocks far outweighs the potential risks. And this risk can be mitigated further by diversifying your capital into many different companies. I personally plan to have equity ownership stakes with at least 40 different companies by the time I’m done investing fresh capital and living off my dividend income.

This risk/reward relationship is one of many reasons I personally prefer stocks over every other asset class available. 

For comparison sake, let’s take a look at some of the other popular asset classes available: 

With bonds, this upside/downside relationship does not exist in nearly the same manner. Your upside is limited by the coupon (yield) the bond gives you, as well as any potential capital appreciation that may exist by way of interest rate changes which could make your bonds more valuable if yields on new bonds fall (obviously unlikely looking forward as we are in a low interest rate environment). Bonds do not allow you to share in the growth of a company, however, so potential appreciation on your bonds is much less than stocks. The downside of bonds is a bit more limited than stocks, though, as bonds have a higher ranking in the capital structure of a business, meaning that if a business goes bankrupt bond holders are first in line to get reimbursed. However, the risk of capital depreciation is still there, and bonds are more sensitive to interest rates. Bonds have a tighter upside/downside spread in my opinion, meaning the downside and upside are both more limited than stocks. But I don’t want limited upside. I want unlimited upside. Bonds, in my opinion, are much better for capital preservation, rather than capital growth.

Physical real estate certainly has the for potential significant upside, but real estate is hyper-local meaning that values on real estate are specific to a geographical region. Also, real estate is much different from a business. A business produces revenue, and therefore profits, via products or services that it sells to the public or other businesses. Real estate is simply shelter. It doesn’t actually produce anything. Real estate can produce rental income for the owner, however, so income can be squeezed from this asset class. For the most part, residential real estate valuations are tied to incomes. If incomes fall, residence values fall in kind. If incomes rise, people can afford more luxurious abodes, and therefore usually bid up the prices of local real estate. Also, it’s much more difficult to diversify with physical real estate as real estate holdings typically tie up a large amount of capital due to the costs of one physical holding. It’s relatively easy to pay $7 to buy $1,400 worth of Chevron Corporation (CVX) stock. You can’t really do this with real estate. The transaction (friction) costs are much higher, and in most cases you’re not talking about fractional ownership like you are with publicly owned companies. You also have ongoing maintenance and tax costs. Because of this, I would more likely prefer to own real estate via Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) that behave and trade much more like stocks.

Overall, the upside/downside relationship with real estate is mixed. Your downside is not as great as stocks, because the odds of a property going to $0 in value is almost impossible. However, you could purchase a property that needs unforeseen repairs fairly quickly that can drain any available spare capital you have, and local markets could make it difficult for the asset to appreciate appreciably over the rate of inflation. Also, the odds of physical real estate appreciating at the rate of a group of wonderful companies with fantastic products/services and ones that operate with sufficiently high margins is very unlikely. This opinion is backed by the Case-Shiller Home Price Index which shows that home prices as an aggregate have barely appreciated over the rate of inflation going back over 100 years. Also, this doesn’t take into account the value of your time, as physical real estate tends to be more hands-on than stock ownership. Overall, I view the downside of real estate more limited than stocks, but the upside also not nearly as attractive as what stocks have potential for. Also, the difficulties of diversification, high transaction costs, hands-on nature and need for local market knowledge are traits that make real estate as an asset class less attractive than stocks (in my opinion).

I’m not even going to discuss gold or other physical metals. I’ve revealed my distaste for gold before. Upside and downside are completely dependent on what the next guy down the line is willing to pay for your unproductive metal.

And cash is obviously unattractive for many reasons. It will only depreciate over time, as inflation eats away at its purchasing power. So, you’re guaranteed to slowly bleed money while your upside is basically non-existent. Cash is useful, however, when there are few attractively valued opportunities out there. When markets fall, bringing assets back into valuations that are near historical norms, cash can be useful to take advantages of opportunities. Cash is only good when you’re turning it into an appreciating asset at attractive valuations looking out over the long-term.

Some people may think I’m crazy to put almost all my wealth into stocks. But I don’t think I’m crazy at all. I think stocks represent the best possible opportunity to build wealth in a capitalist society.Owning pieces of high quality companies and reinvesting the profits they send you via rising dividends is simply a fantastic way to build your wealth over the long haul. Picking a great group of high quality companies that pay, and increase, dividends while allowing time and compounding to work its magic will almost certainly provide you the greatest risk/reward relationship available. Your downside is limited only to original capital you’ve invested, while the upside is limited to the potential of the company you’re investing in, the price at which Mr. Market is willing to pay for your ownership stake in said business, whether or not you were reinvesting dividends and your own emotional limitations (trying to time the market). Buying and holding quality companies for the long-term while ignoring the noise will eliminate almost every single potential drag on your investment upside.

How about you? Do you enjoy this upside/downside relationship in stocks?

Credit: http://www.dividendmantra.com/2013/05/equities-unlimited-upside-with-limited.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+dividendmantra%2FNOGh+%28Dividend+Mantra%29

Pain Relief Help from Nopal Fruit

In the Sonoran desert you will find an incredible cactus know as the Nopal cactus which is also called the Prickly pear cactus. This amazing cactus thrives in the most extreme desert in the world and only the Nopal cactus fruit has all 24 Betalains known to science. Betalains are very powerful anti inflammatory antioxidants in the super fruit of the Prickly pear cactus / Nopal cactus.


The Nopal cactus superfruit that has been proven from hundreds of scientific studies to be anatural anti inflammatory antioxidant.


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Remember to always see your Doctor about your health related issues right away. Those of you have already seen your physicians and are still having pain issues, will more than likely want to try Nopalea, the flagship product at TriVita, a 12 plus year old health and wellness company.

Watch this youtube video from TriVita about how Nopalea can help your or a loved one with their pain related problems.

My name is Bahar Asar and this blog is to help people with pain management and pain relief.  You will find links throughout this pain management blog to give you more information about Nopalea, pain help, and health articles for your health and wellness.

Every month TriVita distributes their monthly VitaJournal to it’s members at no additional charge. There is never a charge for membership, simply order any two TriVita products to receive the VitaJournal and a TriVita product catalog in the mail every month.

The August 2011 issue of the VitaJournal has 35 pages and on page 4-5 you will find an article by Dr. Mark Mattie about the key points on cholesterol, blood pressure and more. If you have high blood pressure, or want to know more about Homostyne, this 8/2011 issue is a must read.

On page 10 of the August 2011 issue of the VitaJournal there is an article about “The whys of fruits and vegetables” by Clinical Nutritionist / Holistic Health Counselor Christine Orecchio. On pages 14-15 there are 7 detailed Nopalea testimonials from people who suffer from severe pain, chronically stiff swollen joints, lower back pain, autoimmune disease, plus two Nopalea testimonials about shoulder pain.

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Bahar Asar

Five Benefits of Always Reinvesting Dividends

Dividend reinvestment enhances the benefits of dividend investing. Every investor should have dividend growth investing as a part of their long term strategy.

Dividends are real; they can’t be faked or created with fraudulent accounting. Long term dividends provide an important indicator of the health of the company paying the dividend.

Dividend Reinvestment

Instead of taking a dividend in cash an investor can choose to reinvest dividends and receive additional shares of stock. If you have chosen companies with strong balance sheets, rising cash flows, and strategic advantages; dividend reinvestment can provide major long term benefits.  Companies that consistently pay and raise their dividend are more likely to have competent management and a solid business plan.

Benefits of Reinvesting Dividends

Here are 5 benefits of reinvesting dividends:

  1. Dollar Cost Averaging

    By reinvesting your dividends you are regularly dollar cost averaging back into your investment. When prices are low you buy more shares, and when prices are high you buy fewer shares.
  2. Compound Growth

    Your dividends will continue to grow because after each dividend payout you have more shares.
  3. Double Compound Growth

    If you own a stock that is consistently raising its dividend your dividends per share will be growing in addition to your number of shares growing.
  4. No Commissions

    It’s an efficient way to add small amounts to your position. Even low commissions are costly when making small purchases.
  5. Dividend reinvestment is easy and automatic.

    Make this your permanent option and your broker will automatically reinvest you dividends on every stock in your account.

Always Reinvest Dividends

Investors who are retired or require income can take a monthly check from cash and periodically sell positions of appreciated or overvalued stocks to replenish your cash. This strategy is simple; allows the investor to reap the benefits of re-investing dividends, and promotes the discipline of selling overvalued stocks.

Source: http://arborinvestmentplanner.com/five-benefits-of-always-reinvesting-dividends-2/

DRIP Investing – How To Actually Invest Only A Hundred Dollars Per Month

ii3P7eZ8Ql4IDepending on your stage in the wealth-building process, there are different things that you are likely to worry about in the execution of your investment strategy. For instance, someone that has $500,000 is probably worried about brushing up against SIPC insurance limits in a brokerage account and is probably exploring global custody options through a firm like Northern Trust so that he can be sure his assets are safe in the event of a brokerage failure. Someone just starting with only $100 or $200 to invest is probably more focused on keeping costs low, because it’s hard to get rich when you’re paying $49.95 at a full-service brokerage to invest $500 or $8.95 at a discount brokerage to invest $100.

Today’s post is aimed at those who are curious about the nuts and bolts of cheap DRIP investing. I have received many requests from readers that want to invest in individual stocks, but only have the available funds to put aside $50 to $100 into a particular company. For these investors, keeping costs to a minimum is absolutely crucial. I have often made allusions and references to DRIP Investing, but I have never offered an explanation as to how to logistically set up DRIP accounts. Today, I will attempt to do that.

The best place to begin is by clicking here to visit a link on theComputershare website. This is the big daddy of stock transfer websites. When you click on the link that I provided, you will be taken to a list of all the companies that don’t charge purchase fees (I manually applied that filter already) for investors. You will see excellent firms like Abbott Labs (ABT), Exxon Mobil (XOM), Dr. Pepper (DPS), and Lockheed Martin (LMT). Some of these firms, like Dr. Pepper, charge $15 to initiate the DRIP plan, and then all cash or electronic debit purchases are free thereafter. Some, like Exxon Mobil, do exactly what they claim: they charge nothing to set up an account, and they allow investors to make check or electronic debit purchases free of charge.

Some companies, like Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), provide a manner for you to invest for free. Johnson & Johnson charges no set-up fee, and they allow you to invest for free if you make monthly contributions by check. However, if you make a contribution by recurring debit, the cost is $1.00 per transaction.

And some companies have such a nominal fee that they are effectively free. Take Clorox (CLX) for example. The company charges $15 to setup the account. From there, all electronic purchases cost $0.03 per share to process. Because Clorox currently trades around $74, the cost is about one dollar for every $2,400 that you invest. Considering that you could pay for a lifetime’s worth of Clorox’s processing fees by checking you seat cushions for change once a year, the cost isn’t exactly placing too much of a burden on the investor.

If you click here, you will be taken to a list of every company that offers a DRIP Program. By clicking on the view section, you can see the terms that come with the purchase. Some are free, some charge $0.03, and some charge a dollar or two.

And, of course, not all companies go through Computershare. Some blue-chips administer their own plans. The most famous plan that allows investors to purchase shares for free via recurring debits is Procter & Gamble (PG). To get started investing through them, you can click here.

As is often the case, if something sounds too good to be true, it often is. DRIP Investing does come with two strings attached that I believe are worth mentioning. The first is that investors have no say in determining the purchase price of the stock. If you have a Schwab account, you can set a limit order so that the Coca-Cola (KO) stock gets purchased at exactly $36 per share. DRIP Investing does not offer this kind of flexibility. While it varies from plan to plan, a standard DRIP purchase will do something along these lines: deduct money from your account on either the 2nd or 17th of the month (you choose), and then purchase the stock at whatever price it as trading at 12:00 or 4:00 that day (again, it varies by plan). And if you pay by check, the purchasing is done at a certain time. For instance, no matter when you send in your check to purchase Johnson & Johnson stock, the company won’t buy the shares until the 7th of the month. For investors that are particular about their purchase price, this kind of thing may completely deter them from DRIP investing.

The other thing worth mentioning is that, although purchasing the stock may be free, selling the stock is not. For instance, you won’t be charged a dime for any of the Exxon shares that you buy. But if you want to sell the stock, you will be charged a minimum of a $15 fee plus $0.12 per share. If you’re not going to be holding a stock for at least a couple of years, the economics of DRIP investing usually aren’t worthwhile.


Nevertheless, these DRIP plans provide investors a compelling way to invest $50 to $100 per month free of charge (or, for those that charge $0.03 per share to process, nearly free of charge) and build positions in high-quality stocks for the long haul. The perfect investor for DRIP investing would be someone who might only have $200 to invest in Dr. Pepper here or there but has the attitude, “I don’t care whether I pay $44 or $44.50. I know I want to own Dr. Pepper stock today, next year, and the year after that.” These plans are great for allowing investors the opportunity to keep adding as much as they can to a stock free of charge, but they are much less attractive to an investor that might sell the stock quickly or cares deeply about the purchase price of the stock. But for the small investor that wants to own a company for 5+ years, these plans can be tremendously useful.

Credit: http://seekingalpha.com/article/1096471-drip-investing-how-to-actually-invest-only-a-hundred-dollars-per-month

by Tim McAleenan Jr.

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