How Many Visitors Do You Want to your Money site?

trafficwave.netIt is a simple question:

HOW MANY VISITORS DO YOU WANT to visit your site this month?

What if you could get 50,000 visitors to your site this month?
What if you could sell to just 1/2% of those visitors?

50,000 visitors x 1/2% = 250 sales.

Would you make any money this month if you could get 250 new sales?

We can send up to 1,000,000 visitors to your website — starting immediately!

Email Marketing


Would you like to have thousands of potential customers looking at your website, ready to buy your product or service?
If so, then read on …

Email Marketing

Do you know why almost every online business fails?

It’s simple really. They don’t have anyone visiting their websites.
The web has become so large that unless you spend tens of thousands of dollars on advertising nobody is going to find you.
If people can’t find you, they can’t order anything from you. To put it simply:

No Traffic = No Sales

Email Marketing

I can’t think of a better way to find out than for you to visit The link  and ordering your GUARANTEED VISITORS package.

* Select the number of visitors you want.
* Your campaign could start within 24 hours!
* You can check your progress in real-time.
* Change your URL any time to improve results.

It’s simple… and it’s all automated!

Send HIGH QUALITY TRAFFIC to your website in the form of Full Page Pop-Up’s, not banner impressions or emails!

Give you a login for REAL TIME stats so you can monitor our progress.

Guarantee your results – you WILL get the number of hits you purchased within 30 days, or less!

Visit the site today and start your campaign online.

Lets assume you have a product that sells for $10. If you purchase 100,000 guaranteed visitors you would make $1,000.00 based on a 0.1% (one tenth of one percent) response rate. Imagine if you were to get a 1% or higher response!

Lets look at the possibilities:

Response Rate — Total Sales — You Earn*
0.1% ———— 100 ———– $1,000.00
1% ————– 1,000 ——— $10,000.00
5% ————– 5,000 ——— $50,000.00

We have packages to suit any budget and can start sending traffic to your website right away!

Visit the site  for your Guaranteed Visitors today!

Yours in success,

Adam Asar
Click here to get guaranteed traffic

Email Marketing

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What do I get when I sign up?

Occasionally I send out little rewards to my readers by email but the main reason to sign up is so you don’t miss out on the articles and you don’t miss out on your opportunity to leave a comment. I close off all comments after a few days so the discussion happens real fast.

Join the Wellness and Wealth Seekers  today

Join over 4,000 others and subscribe to Wellness and Wealth Blog. I’ll send you a free eBook to say thanks.

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Get Paid to Get Well and Wealthy



Why a Health & Wellness Company and Why Trivita?

Trivita is a nutrition, wellness and weight-management company with products like protein shakes, energy and fitness supplements, targeted nutrition, and personal care products. They have a team of very high caliber doctors and scientists in their medical advisory board.

The core basis of TriVita  is one of delivering quality nutritional products and wellness services that support the whole person- spiritually, emotionally and physically, and that’s still the theme of the company today.

Because Trivita is committed to empowering you to live a healthier, financially prosperous life.

1. This is A Rock Solid and World-class Company with Visionary Leadership to Support Your Business

2. Has Science-based Highly Effective Products Developed to Meet Consumer Needs
3. Has Industry leading Compensation Plan
4. Provide Step-by-step Training Programs that Assist You in Starting Your Own Business and Expanding Locally, Nationally and Internationally

A home-based Amazing Trivita business that can take your life to the next level that leads to your Financial Freedom.

ml-hr-trivita-logo1. Simple Solutions, Real Results
New to the health and wellness industry? No experience in direct sales? No problem. You don’t need a résumé. If you’re willing to learn and have a passion to help others succeed, Trivita will fit in perfectly with your life. Just think—you could start earning cash your first week by simply sharing our products with others and ordering some for yourself.

2. Outstanding Earning Potential
Sure, money can’t buy you love, but it can buy you financial freedom. So break free from your cubicle and start living life on your terms. Trivita’s award-winning compensation plan offers an incredible ways to earn income. Plus, you have the chance to earn a commission check each and every week. Does your nine-to-five job offer that?

3. It’s All in the Family

When you become part of Trivita, you’re becoming part of a worldwide family. And we take care of our family. You’ll have instant access to helpful tools, tips, trainings, downloads, conference calls, events, and more. Basically, if you need it, we’ve got it. We even have an award-winning customer service team to answer all your questions. And, with our Autoship program, you’ll never have to deal with product inventory—we’ll ship everything directly to you or your customers.

4. Your Business. Your Way.
Let’s be honest. You like to do things your way. And with Trivita, you can. When you work for yourself, you have the flexibility to work where, when, and how you like. No alarm clock, no rush hour traffic, and no boss. Sound too good to be true? That’s just the Trivita way.

5. A World of Possibilities
Tired of saving vacation time, working when you’re sick, heading to the office on holidays, and never seeing more than your cubicle walls? Stop waiting and start living. Trivita is your ticket to a life of adventure. With Trivita, you can build teams in multiple countries without the worry of different compensation plans or currency conversions. So relax. We’ll take care of everything while you work in exotic locales, discover exciting cultures, and make a world of new friends.

6. A Class Above the Rest

Wondering what sets us apart? There are a lot of things that make us extraordinary, but when it comes to our products, it’s all about the science. Our in-house scientists formulate Trivita’s products based on proven science and cutting-edge research. As if that weren’t enough, we also team up with research institutions from across the globe to make sure our products include the very latest in nutritional discoveries. When we create a product, it’s the best of its kind.

7. Our Growing Industry
Trivita is more than just an incredible company—we’re an incredible company in one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Direct sales play a major role in the global economy, and health and wellness products make up a good chunk of the industry’s annual sales. So go ahead and start visualizing the opportunities.

8. Worldwide Credibility

Trivita kind of a big deal. People know us. As a Direct Selling Association member Trivita is committed to excellence. And the Trivita family includes extraordinary people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, including  authors, Hollywood celebrities, scientific experts, leading health experts, and experienced business professionals. That’s a lot of clout.

9. Affordable Start-Up Costs
We like to keep things simple. There is no required purchase to start a Trivita  business, you will get everything Free which has everything you need to get started. So who needs to invest thousands of dollars in a business opportunity just to make a penny? You can get a tried and true system to create the life you want for as little as $40 US  (Autoship) to be eligible to collect commissions. That’s probably less than the cost of your monthly utility bills.

10. Experience You Can Count On
Trivita has been around for a while—more than 14 years, to be exact. That’s a huge milestone, but it’s also a sign. A sign we have what it takes to last. A sign our products and business model are built to last. A sign we’re on the cutting edge, leading the industry. And that’s right where we plan on staying.

Why Trivita business model is so unique?

The number one reason most people fail in home based businesses is their lack of marketing skills. There are many companies out there that have great products but the challenge is getting people to buy them?  This is why over 90 percent fail in this industry.

The key to TriVita’s success on the people side is their Successful Marketing concept. TriVita develops market-driven, medically researched and patented Products. These products are advertised in a Front-End Marketing and Advertising strategy (using media like television, radio, newspaper, internet) to acquire new customers.  Never again will you have to chase family and friends to build a successful TriVita business! They aggressively market the products and brings lots of customers. You can acquire already paying customers (not leads) that you can follow-up with in order to create a larger personal customer base for your business which it may turn to a residual income if they continue buying. Literally, TriVita spends millions of dollars every year finding customers for you.

marcus-eThe Power of Co-Op Advertising Explained  with Marcus Ellison, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing
The Co-Op Advertising program is an option for Affiliate Members to expand their customer base and contacts in an effort to grow their business. The program allows Affiliate Members to acquire these contacts for the current going rate, which is based on the volume of response generated by TriVita Corporate advertisements. When an Affiliate Member acquires these contacts through the co-op formatted program, they are also receiving the lifetime rights to earn compensation on the acquired contacts as long as they are an active Affiliate Member. Compensation is paid and calculated through the TriVita Affiliate Member Compensation Plan based on commissionable orders placed by the media contacts. Affiliate Members can enhance their compensation and order volume by following up with their acquired media contacts by cultivating relationships and sharing the Affiliate Member opportunity.

In addition to you selling the products to your warm or cold market, or recruiting affiliates so you can earn from their efforts, you can also purchase customers from TriVita.

Trivita does not stop there. TriVita uses Customer Loyalty Programs to keep each new customer a happy, repeat customer. The Customer Loyalty Programs provide your customer with resources, services, product specials, monthly catalogs, wellness journals, and web campaigns with no cost to you nor your customer.  You just track customer activity, referrals and much more from your computer.

Tax Benefits

(Disclaimer from TriVita’s P&Ps, section 2.5: TriVita ITBOs are self-employed, self-directed, independent contractors, and not agents, employees, franchisees, partners or parties in a joint venture with TriVita. As it is the ITBO’s entire responsibility to comply with all applicable laws, TriVita recommends that an ITBO always consults with local legal and tax advice professionals regarding his or her situation.)

The acquisition of the these customers is considered as an advertising expense by the IRS. That means you get to deduct the FULL AMOUNT you paid in the year of the expenditure for those customers. In return those customers purchase product from TriVita generating income for you.

For those looking for tax benefits and a future income stream: Use the strategy of taking the income that is generated from those tax-deductible acquired customers to buy more tax deductible customers. This way you can show no taxable income on your return while building an annuity income plan for the future.

Take Action Now!

TriVita has all the systems in place to help you start, grow, and manage your business.

That is the perfect business model as we see it. It allows the average person to grow their customer base and then following up with them to potentially get referrals, and even some wanting to become affiliates and grow their businesses.

TriVita offers the best of everything one may need to see success in a home based business venture. Just add in some of your effort and you could see a steady business growth for you and your family.
 Click here for Affiliate Member Sign-up

Sign-upReady to Join or Want to learn More? TAKE ACTION NOW!

Empowering Health and Wealth
Independent Trivita Business Owners

Adam Asar # 15012509    Bahar Asar # 15014500
Wellness and Wealth Coach
+1-630-550-0948  | +1-224-653-9595
You can find me on TwitterFacebook , LinkedIn  and  .

Join the Wellness and Wealth Seekers  today

Join over 6,000 others and subscribe to Wellness and Wealth Blog. I’ll send you a free eBook to say thanks.


Ask for a free bottle of Nopalea or Sublingual B-12 Box Free to try viaour contact form (I will need your name, email, phone and postal address)
* This offer is valid for US residents only.

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Rippln Mobile App Review: Is It Hype or Road to Financial Freedom?


Rippln’s introduction video points to the massive growth in socially connected apps and mobile devices. From the introduction of email, to the growth of social networking and smart phones, the rapid adoption of these Rippln_3_zpsc80bb050innovations in personal communication is what the company aims to take advantage of.

The mobile app aspect of Rippln is potentially its strongest suit. Games and apps on mobile phones are cheap and easy to pick up. Users who find an app useful will mention it to their friends and even invite them to download the app. Angry Birds and Farmville are a few of the best examples of this recruiting behavior. Rippln aims to incentivize this referral process.

The platform Rippln is creating with their app is not new but it is a proven effective way to distribute content, services or advertising. Once it’s up and running, it is expected to likely go viral due to the combination of gamification and compensation they are building into the system.

Gamification has proven to be a very potent way to recruit users into mobile apps and games. It’s a common strategy especially among popular apps in Facebook. A user is basically rewarded every time he refers a new player to the game. Rippln wants to reward people when they make a referral. However, there is one component missing from this referral process and this brings up one of the concerns about Rippln – how exactly are users rewarded for referrals?

viral-ripplesAnother concern at this point is the lack of details on what the Rippln App actually does. As I mentioned earlier, the reason why games like Angry Birds or Farmville succeed in getting users to refer them is the promise of in game rewards. Facebook’s user base also grew from massive word of mouth generated by its users. The reward here is the ability to build connections and share experiences with people in your life.

Since the product is in pre-launch, only those in the “inner-circle” know what it’s really about. There is definitely a monetary incentive and payout system in place, but no specifics on the payout plan or if there is any other reward or utility offered by the Rippln App.

The compensation plan details are unavailable at this time except to the members of the inner-circle. They’ve even had them sign NDAs to ensure nothing comes out with the go ahead of the Rippln CEO. It does sound like the Domestic and Global affiliate status that was mentioned will require a certain level of qualification from those who want to attain it.

Join The #1 Team in Rippln Today!

Simply enter your information into the form on the right side of this box, and you will will be sent your Rippln Invite (Activation Code) in less than a few hours!


[contact-form-7 id=”246″ title=”Contact form 1″]

**Please submit only once, doing otherwise will merely slow down the invitation process. If you have not received an invitation within 24 hours, please try again at that time.**

**We are not members of the Rippln corporation – we are representatives, just like you are about to become.**

Do You Want Lots of Extra Pay Days Per Year?


It has been said that 10% of new millionaires in the US over the past ten years have done it by building businesses through network marketing.

mlm-trainingEven well known authors and business people such as Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad), Donald Trump (Trump University) and Tony Robbins (Robbins Institute) have all stated that Home Based Businesses and particularly network marketing, direct sales and MLMs will be the biggest growth industry of the next decade.

The highly respected Forbes Magazine forecast that an incredible 79,000,000 new home based businesses would start over the next three years. That’s over 500,000 a week – and just in the U.S.

Entrepreneur Magazine estimates that the US home-based business industry may be worth over $420 billion a year; that’s more than pharmacy; food; and consumer goods combined; with an average home office household earning of 65,000 US dollars a year.

With increasing financial uncertainty; job lay-offs and a shift in thinking to create a better lifestyle, home based businesses as either an additional part-time income or replacement of primary income can only grow massively over the coming years.

I will tell you a wellness company that i am involved with and seeing amazing success. That company is TriVita.

Trivita’s unmatched Compensation Plan gives you several ways to earn generous commissions every week in direct proportion to your ability to sell Trivita’s products to your customers and build an organization of Independent Associates who do the same.

I will show you how to start earning more money with the TriVita business model. Call me if you want to talk to me with any additional questions.

Hello, my name is Bahar Asar, and I am going to show you how to earn 60 extra pay days per year which breaks down to 5 extra pay days per month.

Five extra pay days per month times 12 months is 60 more pay days per year. Would this be helpful in paying your bills, saving money or anything else you could think of.

TriVita provides you with a great way to make more money. You can make a little or a lot, it basically depends on how many customers you get.

If you got 10 new customers per month, this would start adding up to a nice extra cash flow.

If you got 1 person who wanted to become an Independent TriVita business owner and they got 10 new customers per month, this would start adding up also.

What if you got 20 new customers per month and you also got 10 new Independent TriVita business owners who got 10-20 new customers every month?

They are more than a few ways to earn an extra income here!

I personally like to focus on getting new customers. The commissions of front line customers after the first 60 days is 21%. This is higher than down line customers and affiliate members. Remember also that the comp paln for the first 30-60 days is 30% and there are also other commissions for the first 30-60 days.

Don’t forget, in the TriVita business model your customers are your customers, even on reorders. TriVita knows where commissions are paid through the customer id# and business owner id#.

If your customer reorders 10 times you get commissions 10 times. I have customers who have reordered over and over and I never even spoke to them. The call center took care of everything or the customer ordered online. I still got paid! You will too!

I would encourage you to take advantage of this extra income opportunity. You can also call me with additional questions and also for on-going help and support in building your extra income. TriVita also has a call center that will
answer all your questions, your customers questions and also take your orders and your customers orders.

In this blog post I will explain how you can start earning an extra income with no start up fees. You can start earning an income right away if you meet some very simple qualifications.
Owning the Rights To Your Customers

This is very important to earning true residual income.

A customers is not an affiliate member or a distributor. A customer just wants the products. Every successful business model needs customers.

You don’t by stuff at stores because you want to sell stores stuff. Many home based opportunities operate this way, the whole down line geaneology is made up of distributors.

The TriVita business model doesn’t operate this way. Most all of my downline are just customers, not affiliate members, not distributors, not Independent TriVita business owners. A customers just wants products.

In many other home base businesses, or work from programs that you may have tried before, all your downline were distributors or affiliate members. If they left for another company and pulled their downline with them, upline incomes
Here are some advantages of being part of Our Team

1. Fair payout to all
2. It only takes two to begin
3. Seamless global plan
4. Excellent growth opportunity
5. Multiple ways to earn money
6. Online tools
7. Teamwork incentives
8. Leveraged income
9. Exponential growth
10. Low risk, big potential

If I left for another company ( I am not going to ) all my customers would roll up to my upline, his income would go up, not down.


There are many people looking to earn an extra income or supplement their income. Most of my focus goes to promoting the products at my other websites focusing on the TriVita
products, especially Nopalea, the top selling product at TriVita.

Start an Independent TriVita Business

No start up fees!

No TriVita back office fees!

No affiliate website fees!

TriVita has an excellent line of health and wellness products, the top selling product is as seen on TV “Nopalea” for pain and inflammation. Maybe you have even seen the infomercial about our top selling product, the Nopal cactus juice – Nopalea.

We have recently also introduced an excellent line of products from the Amazon rain forest.

Nopalea is also a great detox diet supplement to add to your daily diet. Nopalea has a very low return rate, and all products have an incredible 60 day money back guarantee.
As an Independent TriVita business owner, you will get paid commissions when you get customers and also when those customers re-order products. There are other ways to earn commissions, but focus on getting new customers, this is the
fastest way to start making money right away as an independent TriVita business owner.

You can see additional post in this blog that will provide you with additional info about the opportunity.

Once you get new customers, you will see those customers in your TriVita back office. TriVita does not charge you for back office and affiliate websites. TriVita gives all customers and all Independent business owners id numbers. When customers reorder, TriVita can identify where commissions are owed by the unique id numbers.

Your customers will be mailed a VitaJournal and TriVita product catalog as soon as they order any two products. These amazing magazines will encourage your customers to reorder products and keep them informed on the Trivita products and overall health and wellness. There is no cost to you or your customers for these magazines, TriVita covers the cost.

Sign up here at no charge – Start a TriVita business.

If you want more information, keep reading about this excellent income opportunity.

What are your requirements to start making more money with TriVita?

You must order at least 1 TriVita product within 1 year to remain an independent TriVita business owner. This is a pretty simple requirement and a very easy requirement, anybody can do this.

change-your-lifeAll independent TriVita business owners must be at least 18 years of age.

TriVita pays commissions 5 times per month. Every Friday plus an additional payment on the 10th of each month.

Obviously you must have commissions due to get paid. You get paid commissions when you get customers and business owners who buy TriVita products. Nopalea is the top selling product at TriVita.

To meet the requirement to get paid commissions, all you need to do is order at least 1 bottle of Nopalea or other products that amount to $40.00 in volume. To get paid in June, you need $40.00 dollars of personal volume in June. To get paid in July, you need $40.00 of personal volume in July. This is a very easy requirement!

There is no auto ship requirement, but I recommend ordering $40.00 on autoship. Remember, TriVita pays every Friday and an additional commission payment on the 10th of every month. If you get a customer on week 1 of the month and don’t order your $40.00 requirement (to get paid) until week three, you wont get paid unless you are on auto ship for that week one customer.

I do a $40.00 volume autoship so if I get a new customer on week one, I still get paid. You can always order on any day of the month with or without autoship, but don’t miss out on getting paid commissions for a customer you got on the first week of the month but didn’t order your requirement ($40.00 volume) until the last week of the month.

Compensation plan

There are two compensation plans in TriVita.

The first plan is for the first 30-60 days.
This plan pays weekly, every Friday and allows you to earn money very quickly.

See the compensation plan in my additional posts to the right side of this blog. There is also a post I wrote on ” Things to consider before starting a home business“, you may want to read that post.

The second plan takes effect after 30-60 days and this is paid on the 10th of every month.

Contact me with questions or see the comp plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is TriVita? How reliable is the company?
  • Founded since in 1999, TriVita headquartered in Scottsdale Arizona, is a privately held formulator and provider of natural dietary supplements for people. TriVita ranked No. 70 on the Direct Selling News 2012 Global 100 list – leaping from No. 92 in 2011 – with $102 million in net sales. The merger with Amazon Herb (Founder John Easterling and Olivia Newton-John) on August 31, 2012 obviously makes the company even larger.
    «« News »»TriVita is a member of Better Business Bureau and Direct Selling Association. Providing the consumers with the products they need to achieve greater wellness is a tremendous responsibility – it’s one that TriVita take very seriously. That’s why TriVita developed, and rigorously follow, a strict adherence to a code of quality, integrity and innovation, that includes:- 10 Foundational Values
    – Team of Healthcare Professionals
    – Physician Approved Formula
    – 60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee
  • I have been in direct-sell business before. What makes TriVita different?
  • TriVita’s unique co-op advertising program makes it different than all other direct sell company. You don’t need to sell anything or recruit anyone if you don’t want to. TriVita will do all the work for you. Together with Be Well and Wealth System, it makes all the difference in the world!

OR call with referral #15014500 (Why?)

1-877-850-2968 (USA and Canada)1-800-257-538 (Australia)0-800-451-569 (New Zealand)

1-480-337-4202 (EU Countries)

1-480-337-4203 (Asia Pacific)

Order any of the TriVita supplements including Nopalea at our very secure online websites.

All TriVita products have a 60 day money back guarantee!

Learn about our affiliate marketing program and how to make extra money, see more below.

Pain and inflammation – TriVita Nopalea

Adaptogens for stress relief – Adaptogen 10 Plus  Adaptogens, Aloe vera and Antioxidants

Lose weight  – Leanology

Fatigue & Vitamin B12 –  Sublingual B12 & Energy Now !


Call TriVita  – 1-800-991-7116 to place orders by phone

Use Referral # 15014500  Bahar Asar

Tell the TriVita phone representative that Bahar Asar said to take advantage of our members discount prices. There is never a fee for membership and you will save at least 20% of non-member prices.

See all TriVita products – TriVita vitamins

Empowering Health and Wealth

Independent Trivita Business Owners
Adam Asar # 15012509
Bahar Asar # 15014500