Do you live in one of the ‘banned states’ where Amazon won’t let you become their affiliate? These currently include: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Illinois, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. It’s not your fault – you didn’t make the stupid tax law that tries to gather more sales tax revenue from online sales, but now you’re being punished. There is a ‘workaround’, if you will, that I found, and it seems to work.

What Not To Do

My first idea was to form a Nevada corporation. I would then register that entity as an Amazon affiliate, and that corporation would pay me as a shareholder.  But that would not only add time, but cost several hundred dollars. Not to mention this process would add more red tape at tax season. This intimidates most affiliate marketers of the badlands to just forget about it and move on.  Then I found a secret weapon to use for my sites.

What TO DO

I found Viglink. To put it in simple terms, Viglink is a very large affiliate aggregator.  They’re not registered in one of the banned states, so they qualify for Amazon affiliate.  Also, due to their volume, they get the top 8.5% commission rate on all Amazon items. What they do is allow you and I to monetize our sites with their affiliate account, as kind of an ‘affiliate’s affiliate’. So you’re not actually an Amazon affiliate, but you’re kinda a contractor for Viglink.

You install a snippet of code on your site and from that point on, any links you post out from your site (that can be affiliated) will automatically convert to an affiliated link.  Have a WordPress site? It couldn’t be any easier.  Just install the plugin and add yourViglink key.  You can also set it to automatically add affiliated links to your pages.  For example, the application saw that I typed ‘Amazon’ on this page, but I didn’t create the link, Viglink did. This makes affiliating your pages much simpler- and automatic.

The bonus, Viglink has thousands of merchants, not only Amazon! You don’t have to apply to dozens and dozens of affiliate programs, only to be rejected, then weed through the specific pages and products you want to link to.  Simply go to the page you want to link to, copy the URL, paste it into your site, then Viglink will automatically convert that link to an affiliate link.  Viglink takes 25% of whatever the affiliate program pays.  The good news for someone in an Amazon ‘banned state’ is even after their 25%, due to the fact they get the 8.5% tier, you actually get 6.4%, which is still more than most Amazon affiliates make at the bottom tiers.  So what are you waiting for? It’s a very simple workaround, and trust me, it will make your life easier.

Update (June 18, 2013)

On the morning of the 18th, we all got the following email from Viglink:


We are reaching out to inform you that Amazon has requested we enforce their ineligible publisher policies on our network. Amazon’s Operating Agreement explicitly forbids publishers in North Carolina, Illinois, Colorado, Rhode Island, and Arkansas from participating in their affiliate program; as such, we’ve had to cease Amazon affiliation for your account.

We have recently announced a new product that may help you continue earning revenue from your Amazon links. You may have seen our announcement last week to launch what we call the Link Optimizer. This technology will be an optional feature that recognizes product links and can rewrite the link on the page to the same product sold by a different merchant. The ultimate goal of this product is to create a competitive market where your links always point to the merchant that will pay you the highest commission; at the moment, it primarily redirects Amazon links, making it the best solution possible to their policy and an opportunity to continue earning from your Amazon links.

If you’re interested in giving this a shot, you can join the Beta waitlist here. Please let us know if you have any questions, and we’ll let you know if anything changes as far as Amazon affiliation. Thank you for your understanding.


VigLink Customer Success

So it appears the solution we’ve been using the last year is currently not going to work anymore. So I’m actually doing some research and contacting Viglink as well as competitors of Viglink, and other affiliate marketers to collaborate on getting a new solution. Please follow me on Twitter because as soon as I’ve had time to research this issue further and offer a 2.0 version of this solution, I will post a blog and tweet that post. Hang in there guys it’s not over yet.

How to Get Paid to Build Responsive Mailing List?

trafficwave.netDoes Your AutoResponder Pay You Through 10 Levels?!?
Is Your AutoResponder Service Breaking The Bank?
Mine Does! Weekly Fast Tracks, Regular Commissions, and Leadership Bonuses!
Easily Create, Send, and Track Unlimited Sales Letters, Follow-up Messages,
Articles, and Special Offers with AutoResponders!
Unlimited AdTracking!
Experience the power of unlimited autoresponder technology! Automate your online sales letters!

Start Today with a FREE 30 Day Trial and See What You’ve Been Missing!

Today I will show you a legitimate way which can make you rich if you stick with the basic secrets disclosed here.

Email Marketing

So when I started my online business I required a good autoresponder for my business. Autoresponder is used to send emails on specific time interval. You can set the time when an email should be sent to the subscribed members of your list. Autoresponder is very crucial in the success of any online business. And settle up with Getresponse after a lot of searching. This is a very good service and I was also very happy till my list grows upto 1000 members but as it started growing beyond it became very costly for me. I again start searching and now I was looking for such a service which is cost effective but with standard quality. I also find others like Aweber, Constant Constact, MailChimp. But all these autoresponders have the same plan i.e. if your list will grow your price will increase.

Then suddenly I found Trafficwave and it was the same I was looking for. You can Join Trafficwave for 30 days free trial without any credit card. A fixed price $17.95 per month autoresponder service with 99.9% delivery rate. You will not get any increment in the price even if you have 10000s of subscribers in your list. But eventually I got about it’s affiliate plan.

Trafficwave feature

Traffic wave is fully featured. i am currently using trafficwave and i am really satisfied with their service i am impressed. Only trafficwave offers unlimited subscriber is cheap rate only $17 per month and fist month free trial no credit card required. It’s a great way to learn what you get inside without investment. Trafficwave has all your standard feature listed below:

  • Unlimited Autoresponders
  • Ad tracking
  • Unlimited List
  • Unlimited Broadcast
  • Email Personalization
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • Lots Of Email Templatte
  • Newsletter Analytics Such as (Email Bounce, Clickthrough, Newsletter Open, Unsubscribe, Complaint and lot of)

Traffic wave also offer money making opportunity, I mean you can make money from trafficwave in matrix way. You have nothing to do to make money from trafficwave because there are a follow up series preloaded. Just you have to collect subscriber and then trafficwave become ATM Machine. It’s true not a joke.

Email Marketing

 Trafficwave Review For A Superb Affiliate Plan

This is the unique in the industry. Why?

Because it pays you till 10 level deep in your down-line. And we all know that when there is any mlm system, the product cost is high as commission is distributed at all levels but this is not here and is the main reason of it’s success as the product is itself is very cheap with top quality service.

Even you get a 30 day free trial period. No credit card or paypal subscription is required for this trial period. If you like the service continue with it or just leave it. NO RISK!


Which features make it so great affiliate program? Let’s discuss.

  • If you refer anyone to Trafficwave you will get a 100% fast track bonus i.e. $17.95 with a weekly mode payment.
  • TrafficWave affiliate plan has 3×10 Forced Matrix. It means if you sponsor more than 3 people then those people will be recruited under your downline and You will get
  • commission up to 10 level deep in your down-line.
  • If you are able to recruit three people, you are free as you will get $6 from each 3 member who are at you first level.
  • This plan has the potential to make you earn $88,587 per month. But that’s on paper and practically you can earn $1000s per month if you consistently promote your affiliate link.

Click here for more details on affiliate plan.


The most important factor in online business is the learning how to do it?

You can start creating passive income in this business if you joined with a right group. If you joined with me then you will get just a ready made system of promoting your business and even you would not need to do any thing.

0 – 500 500 – 2500 2501 – 5000 5001 – 10000 10001 – 25000 25001 – 50000
send unlimited send unlimited send unlimited send unlimited send unlimited send unlimited
Aweber $19 $29 $49 $69 $149 Contact them
Getresponse $15 for 1000 $25 $65 Contact them Contact them
MailChimp $10 $30 $50 $75 $150 $240
Constant Contact $15 $30 $75 Contact them Contact them Contact them
Traffic Wave $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95

Above is a detailed comparison chart. The best part is that you will always pay $17.95 per month. And you get a top class affiliate program in the Internet history. If you refer someone to this program you will get instantly $17.95 fast track bonus and $6 per month for first 3 people you sponsored. You will get commission up to 10 level deep in your down line and can earn as much as $88,587 per month. You will definitely like to create passive income as I am with this Traffic wave autoresponder system.

Here I want to share my factors in deciding an affiliate program which works for me and should also work for any one.

With TrafficWave you can create an opt-in form where visitors can enter in their information. When you have a list of leads, you can send follow-up emails, product information and recommendations, etc. This is an excellent tool for personal branding, building a positive reputation and customer loyalty.

Email Marketing


So Join Trafficwave today for full 30 days free trial without any credit card.

My main concern is product. If product is excellent, you can market it easily. Autoresponder serivce is a very hot today. Every Internet business uses this service. As it’s very cost effective, there will always be the market of this product. Today my primary income is coming form Trafficwave affiliate business. I myself using it and really happy with it.

Trafficwave offer co-op advertising which i am using it and getting results already.

So literally there is no issue in launching your own online business today. I am really working hard on advertising factor of this site and getting sweet results.

My Offer:

Truly amazing bonus package with this system if you joined with my team.

  • Your first 2 months are absolutely free in Traffic Wave Money Maker System Ad Co-op.
  • I will advertise for you on this website and it’s other 2 network blogs for free always. These are and
  • Currently I have only 22 members. So there is very good opportunity for new members to grow with me.
  • I will not only advertise for you on my other network blogs but also for your members and for their members and so on. 


The Free Version of your account on Traffic wave is only good for 30 days. You can use all the services but you cannot make any money with it in your trial period, so make sure you Enroll as Active paid member.
The most critical factor in this whole process is to make sure that your sponsor id is : digitaltycoons.

Just check on your registration form on site that Your Enrolling Sponsor is digitaltycoons or just search for digitaltycoons  on the registration form. Or to make sure it’s 100% correct, Join through the 1st step described below. Click on Join Traffic Wave

Why am I doing all this for you?
Simple! If you will earn money, I will earn money. This is the real beauty of this system. In fact this is the real income in online business I am earning today. And the best thing is that we are promoting an affordable and best product which is being used almost by all the entrepreneurs doing business online. I am sure that this Trafficwave review will help you in take a better decision. It’s so practical and I am so sure that you will definitely make money with traffic wave.
This is a huge and Once in a Life Time Chance. Grab it! I am here to help you until you succeed.

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Occasionally I send out little rewards to my readers by email but the main reason to sign up is so you don’t miss out on the articles and you don’t miss out on your opportunity to leave a comment. I close off all comments after a few days so the discussion happens real fast.

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How Many Visitors Do You Want to your Money site?

trafficwave.netIt is a simple question:

HOW MANY VISITORS DO YOU WANT to visit your site this month?

What if you could get 50,000 visitors to your site this month?
What if you could sell to just 1/2% of those visitors?

50,000 visitors x 1/2% = 250 sales.

Would you make any money this month if you could get 250 new sales?

We can send up to 1,000,000 visitors to your website — starting immediately!

Email Marketing


Would you like to have thousands of potential customers looking at your website, ready to buy your product or service?
If so, then read on …

Email Marketing

Do you know why almost every online business fails?

It’s simple really. They don’t have anyone visiting their websites.
The web has become so large that unless you spend tens of thousands of dollars on advertising nobody is going to find you.
If people can’t find you, they can’t order anything from you. To put it simply:

No Traffic = No Sales

Email Marketing

I can’t think of a better way to find out than for you to visit The link  and ordering your GUARANTEED VISITORS package.

* Select the number of visitors you want.
* Your campaign could start within 24 hours!
* You can check your progress in real-time.
* Change your URL any time to improve results.

It’s simple… and it’s all automated!

Send HIGH QUALITY TRAFFIC to your website in the form of Full Page Pop-Up’s, not banner impressions or emails!

Give you a login for REAL TIME stats so you can monitor our progress.

Guarantee your results – you WILL get the number of hits you purchased within 30 days, or less!

Visit the site today and start your campaign online.

Lets assume you have a product that sells for $10. If you purchase 100,000 guaranteed visitors you would make $1,000.00 based on a 0.1% (one tenth of one percent) response rate. Imagine if you were to get a 1% or higher response!

Lets look at the possibilities:

Response Rate — Total Sales — You Earn*
0.1% ———— 100 ———– $1,000.00
1% ————– 1,000 ——— $10,000.00
5% ————– 5,000 ——— $50,000.00

We have packages to suit any budget and can start sending traffic to your website right away!

Visit the site  for your Guaranteed Visitors today!

Yours in success,

Adam Asar
Click here to get guaranteed traffic

Email Marketing

Want to become part of the best community on the interwebs and get all my updates sent to your inbox for free?

It’s easy!

What do I get when I sign up?

Occasionally I send out little rewards to my readers by email but the main reason to sign up is so you don’t miss out on the articles and you don’t miss out on your opportunity to leave a comment. I close off all comments after a few days so the discussion happens real fast.

Join the Wellness and Wealth Seekers  today

Join over 4,000 others and subscribe to Wellness and Wealth Blog. I’ll send you a free eBook to say thanks.

To get free updates and a free eBook (just to say thanks!) and to join the couch-based blogging army just enter your email below:

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