#1 Superfood You must have in your diet

Did you know that even if you eat what is widely considered a “healthy diet” full of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats, chances are you’re still not getting the nutrition you need to thrive?

DIGITAL CAMERAThe sad truth is that food today is significantly lower in nutrients than it was just 50 years ago.

Eating healthy is extremely important. But unfortunately, due to the industrialization of our food system, so much nutrition has been over-farmed and processed out of our food that these days, you really need some extra help to stay healthy. If you’ve got nagging health problems that just don’t seem to go away, they could be due to nutritional deficiencies, which, more often than not, go undetected by our traditional medical system.

What if there was a nutrient-dense “superfood” that was so incredibly rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other micronutrients, that it could nourish your body back to optimal health?

Guess what? There is such a superfood out there!

The American Superfood Revolution

In the last several years, sales of superfoods like blueberries, pomegranate, broccoli and almonds have exploded as a growing number of people are waking up to the fact that we need concentrated sources of nutrition to thrive as individuals. And this is a good sign. But for some reason, most Americans have turned a blind eye to a simple, inexpensive food that NASA has identified as a top superfood, and an answer to the dilemma of keeping astronauts nourished on extended space journeys.[1,2]

The #1 Superfood Most Americans Ignore

Spirulina, a type of freshwater blue-green algae that has been consumed as part of traditional diets throughout the world for centuries, is incredibly rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other micronutrients.[3] In fact, most experts consider it the most nutrient dense food on the planet. The Japanese are particularly fond of spirulina and consume more of it than any other population in the world.[4] Not surprisingly, they also have the world’s highest life expectancy.

Before you say “yuck” to the idea of eating algae, you’ll be surprised to learn how easy it can be to add it to your diet and how it can actually taste good! More on that later, but first, some interesting facts about spirulina.

Spirulina is the most concentrated natural source of protein on earth. It has 334% more protein than beef and 556% more than tofu! Also, spirulina is a “complete” protein, meaning it offers the full profile of all the essential amino acids the human body needs. Spirulina is also highly digestible, so the amino acids and other nutrients it contains are extremely easy to absorb, which makes it an incredibly valuable food source.[3,5]

The Nutrients That Make Spirulina a Top Superfood

  • Phycocyanin, a unique antioxidant that provides powerful immune and anti-aging benefits
  • Chlorophyll, which supports cellular detoxification and body alkalinity
  • Carotenoids, including beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, which protect the skin and eyes
  • Essential amino acids in a highly-digestible, easy-to-absorb form
  • Essential fatty acids, including hard-to-get gamma linoleic acid (GLA)
  • Vitamin B12 and other B vitamins that support brain and heart health
  • Trace minerals, including magnesium, selenium, zinc, calcium and others
  • Superoxide dismutase (SOD), an important antioxidant enzyme

The Antioxidant Found ONLY in Spirulina

Recently, scientists have discovered that phycocyanin, a blue antioxidant pigment that gives spirulina its natural blue-green hue, offers incredible health benefits.[13,14] Phycocyanin strengthens the immune system by promoting production of white blood cells and increases oxygenation throughout the body by supporting the creation of red blood cells. Additionally, phycocyanin has been shown to play a major role in stem cell regeneration, particularly in bone marrow and blood cells. Spirulina is the only known natural source of phycocyanin.

The Amazing Health Benefits of Spirulina, as Proven by Scientific Research

  • Supports a healthy immune system[6]
  • Boosts energy levels naturally[6]
  • Supports cellular detoxification[6]
  • Helps to keep bodily pH in a healthy range[6]
  • Promotes optimal cardiovascular health[7]
  • Helps to maintain normal blood pressure levels[8]
  • Nourishes and protects the liver[9]
  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels[10]
  • Enhances cognitive function[11]
  • Curbs hunger and promotes weight loss[12]

The Problems with Eating Algae

Let’s be honest. As miraculous as the benefits of consuming spirulina may be, the idea of eating algae is less than tantalizing. Many people avoid spirulina because they dislike the smell and taste. As hard as I try to explain people on spirulina’s miraculous benefits, I often get a negative reaction.

Spirulina has been widely available for years in a freeze-dried powder form that can be mixed into water or smoothies. I’m not a big fan of powdered spirulina, because it’s not convenient to take every day, and frankly, it has a less than pleasant “algae” smell. That’s why I recommend taking spirulina in tablet form.

My Quest to Create the Perfect Spirulina Supplement

I’ve seen a lot of fads come and go, but taking spirulina supplements every day for the past 10 years has been one of the true secrets to my success. I honestly think this is a miracle nutrient that everyone will be taking in the future.

I’ve been taking it for almost a year now and have noticed remarkable benefits in my energy levels, immunity, exercise recovery time and overall wellbeing.

Scientific References:

1. Tadros, M. “Characterization of Spirulina biomass for CELSS diet potential.” (1993).
2. Henrikson, R. “Earth Food Spirulina.” (1989)
3. Microbiol Rev. 1983; 47(4): 551-78.
4. Biomass. 1998; 15(4): 233-247.
5. Chem Natur Comp. 40(3): 2004.
6. Mikrobial Epidemiol Immunobiol. 2001; 2: 114-118.
7. J Med Food. 2009;12(1): 15-20.
8. Lipids Health Dis. 2007; 26:6-33.
9. J Ethnopharm. 1999; 64: 141-147.
10. “Cyanobacterial Biotechnology.” USA: Science Publishers Inc; 1998: 301-304.
11. J Exp Neurol. 2005; 196(2): 298-307.
12. J Food Sci Technol. 1996; 33(2): 124-128.
13. Curr Prot Pep Sci. 2003; 4: 207-216.
14. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2006; 47(1): 9-20.
15. J Agric Food Chem. 2000; 48(4): 1150-4.
16. Carotenoid Sci. 2006; 10:91-95.
17. Br J Nutr. 2011 Jun;105:11, 1563-71.
18. Am J Cardio. 2008; 101(10): S58-S68.
19. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2010 Mar 5;7:18.

Banana Boost



½ Banana
¼ cup(s) Oats
4 Cherries (pitted)
1 cup(s) Almond Milk
1 dash Cinnamon

Add ingredients to your Tall Cup and extract for 30 seconds. If you’re feeling adventurous, add a couple of mint leaves for an added minty flavor!


Perfect before a moderate workout, this Blast contains just enough carbs to get you through it without losing energy or endurance. It also tastes great, so you can have the physical and mental motivation you need to keep going.

Never Been Beet!


1 small Beet
1 tsp. Cacao (raw, powder, nibs, or beans)
½ Banana
1 cup(s) Almond Milk

Add ingredients to your Tall Cup and extract for 30 seconds.


Beets are one of the best performance veggies out there! If you’re ramping up for a workout, have this Blast full of performance-enahncing nitrates, which help your muscles use oxygen more efficiently. You’ll feel better and perform better, too!

Banana Protein Blast

banana protein shakeIngredients

½ Banana
4 Cherries (pitted)
1 cup(s) Oats
1 cup(s) Almond Milk
1 dash Cinnamon
½ cup(s) Soybeans (Edamame)
1 tsp. Flax Seeds


Add ingredients to your Tall Cup and extract for 40 seconds. Add more or less almond milk for desired consistency.


The added protein in this Blast from the flax seeds and edamame will give you the push you need right before your next workout. Make it an hour beforehand and you’ll not only have the energy you need, but you’ll recover more quickly and not be so exhausted. Plus, these all natural protein sources are better for you and provide your body with a multitude of vitamins that canned protein powder can’t give you!

Veggie Delight


veggie delight¼ cup(s) Spinach
¼ cup(s) Kale
2 floret(s) Broccoli
1 stalk(s) Celery
½ cup(s) Pomegranate (Pomegranate Seeds)
1 tsp. Chia Seeds
1 handful(s) Almonds
1 tsp. Goji Berries
1 tsp. Maca (powder)


Add ingredients to your Tall Cup and extract for 40 seconds.


Brought to you by blogger Shari Pack, this recipe is an almost entirely veggie Blast with a hint of pomegranite fruit for added sweetness and tartness. It’s also got superfoods chia, goji and maca, for weight management, antioxidant goodness and reproductive health.

Hydrating Summer Blast


1 small Apple
½ cup(s) Papayas
4 large Strawberries
1 Kiwi
½ Lemon
1 tsp. Sea Salt
½ cup(s) Ice Cubes
to MAX LINE Water


Add ingredients to your Tall Cup and extract for 45 seconds.


Water and water with electrolytes are the best things to consume while exercising as far as hydration goes, but as far as post-exercise hydration is concerned, this is the ideal way to recover after a hard hot summertime workout! Here is my version of an optimal hydration NutriBlast!

The ingredients in this Blast will enhance post-exercise hydration and replenish what you lose during an intense workout in the heat. It contains cold water and brings along with it vitamin C and antioxidants, which are both crucial in the post-exercise recovery process.

Revitalizing NutriBlast


½ Tall Cup Kblueberryavocadoale
½ cup(s) Blueberries
½ Banana
¼ Avocado
1 tbsp. Almond Butter (raw)
1 tbsp. Chia Seeds
1 handful(s) Ice
to MAX LINE Almond Milk


Add ingredients to your Tall Cup and extract for 45 seconds or until smooth.


Wake up to this revitalizing NutriBlast, which contains antioxidant-rich blueberries and beautifying avocado, along with tasty banana and satiating chia seeds – perfect for that kick you need first thing in the morning!

Blueberry Peach Dream

blueberry peachesIngredients

½ Tall Cup Swiss Chard
½ Banana
2 handful(s) Blueberries
1 Peach
2 Brazil Nuts
1 tbsp. Walnuts
½ tsp. Ceylon Cinnamon
¼ Tall Cup Almond Milk
to MAX LINE Water

Add ingredients to your Tall Cup and extract for 45 seconds or until smooth.


First thing in the morning or after dinner as a healthy dessert alternative, this recipe is full of antioxidants (from delicious, healthful blueberries), vitamin C (from summertime peaches) and healthy omega-3 fatty acids (walnuts.) It also contains Brazil nuts – just a couple provide an incredible amount of selenium and add a flavorful nutty taste that you’ll love.

Bliss Berry

Bliss Berry_0Ingredients
½ Tall Cup Turnip Greens
½ Avocado
½ cup(s) Blueberries
½ cup(s) Raspberries
½ cup(s) Blackberries
to MAX LINE Green Tea


Add all ingredients to your Tall Cup and extract for 45 seconds or until well blended.


Full of cancer-fighting carotenoids, flavonoids, and catechins, this berry mix is an antioxidant powerhouse with nutrients shown to help lower your risk of developing cancer. Add green tea to the max line for a refreshing elixir that not only tastes good, but has been linked to cancer prevention. What a tasty way to stay healthy!

Never Been Beet Protein Blast

1 small Beet
1 tsp. Cacao (raw, powder, nibs, or beans)
½ Banana
1 cup(s) Almond Milk
¼ cup(s) Soybeans (Edamame)
1 tsp. Flax Seeds


Add ingredients to your Tall Cup and extract for 40 seconds. Add almond milk until you reach your desired consistency.


Drink this Blast an hour before your intense workout and just look at the difference! Filled with protein to help you recover and nitrates from beets which help you perfrom at your fullest, you’ll never go back to protein powders again!