8 Fitness-Boosting Foods and Nutrients

By Dr. Mercola

If optimal fitness is your goal, there’s no getting around your diet. That’s right, fitness is not all about designing the ideal workout plan, as your diet can easily make or break an otherwise excellent regimen.

Knowing which foods and specific nutrients deliver the most bang for your buck in terms of supporting your fitness goals can go a long way.

First and foremost, however, keep in mind that while pre-packaged processed foods may be convenient, cooking from scratch using fresh unprocessed ingredients is an absolute must if you want to improve your health.

Processing tends to denature nutrients, so what you end up with is typically a far inferior version compared to the real thing.

Fitness-Boosting Foods and Helpful Supplements

Here, I’ll review eight of my top picks for “most valuable fitness foods,” and the featured article in Men’s Fitness magazine lists another 20. I don’t agree with all of their selections however, such as pasteurized milk and yoghurtunfermented soyproducts, and whole wheat bread. To find out why, check out the hyperlinks provided.

The following eight however, are foods and specific nutrients that I believe are among the most helpful, in terms of supporting your fitness and overall good health. Aim to incorporate as many of these foods into your diet on a daily or weekly basis, and you’ll be off to a great start. Keep in mind that all of the items on this list should be organic, and if possible grass-fed/pastured or wild.

If you’re like most people—including many athletes—you’re probably eating too many carbs. Your body’s need for sugar is, biologically, very small. And when you consume more than you need, your body turns it into fat.

Remember, you do not get fat from eating healthy fats—you get fat from eating too many carbs (sugar). Hence, what you’ll find on my list are primarily healthful fats, which is what you’ll want to replace the lost carbs with for energy, along with high-quality proteins and a couple of specific nutrients that are particularly beneficial for boosting athletic performance.

Remember: you cannot exercise your way out of a bad diet, and the first step toward improving your diet is to cut out as much sugar/fructose and grain-carbs as possible, and replace the carbs with healthful fats, and a moderate amount of high-quality protein.

#1 Whole, Fresh Avocado

Avocado, which is classified as a fruit, are rich in monounsaturated fat that is easily burned for energy. As I’ve mentioned before, eliminating grain carbs is one of the best ways to support your health and maintain your weight, but when you cut down on carbs, you need to increase your intake of healthy fats. Avocados are an excellent source, along with organic raw butter, coconut oil, and organic pastured eggs, just to name a few.

Healthful fats provide an ideal form of fuel for sustained energy during a workout. It’s far better than carb-loading for most people. I’ve previously written about the importance of avoiding fructose and grains before and after a workout, as sugar will negate many of the benefits you reap from exercise.

This is especially true if you do high intensity exercises, which will boost your body’s production of human growth hormone (HGH). Consuming carbs within a couple of hours prior to or after such exercise will effectively prevent HGH from being produced.

There’s also evidence suggesting that limiting your intake of protein can be helpful for long-term good health and the prevention of cancer. At the very least, most people are consuming far too much poor-quality protein, such as beef and animal products from livestock raised in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Here again, if you cut down on protein, you need to replace lost calories with healthy fats such as avocados, coconut oil, olives, olive oil, butter and nuts.

Overall, most people would do well to get upwards of 50-70 percent fat in their diet (along with high amounts of vegetable carbs, moderate-to-low amounts of high-quality protein, and very little, if any, carbs). According to the California Avocado Commission, a medium Hass avocado contains about 22.5 grams of fat, two-thirds of which is monounsaturated. They’re also very low in fructose, which is yet another boon.

Avocados are also very high in potassium and will help balance your vitally important potassium to sodium ratio, and it enables your body to more efficiently absorb fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha- and beta-carotene and lutein, in other foods eaten in conjunction.  You can review additional information on avocados by visiting my What are Avocados Good For page.

#2: Organic Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is nature’s richest source of healthy medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which your body sends directly to your liver to use as energy.1 This makes coconut oil a powerful source of instant energy to your body, a function usually served in the diet by simple carbohydrates. Numerous studies have shown that MCFAs promote weight loss2 and help improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Additionally, research has demonstrated that, due to its beneficial metabolic effect, coconut oil also increases the activity of your thyroid. A sluggish thyroid is one reason why some people are unable to lose weight, no matter what they do.

Half of the fat content in coconut oil is lauric acid—a fat rarely found in nature—that could easily qualify as a “miracle” ingredient because of its unique health promoting properties. Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-protozoa properties, for example.

You can add raw organic coconut oil to green juices, smoothies, and even coffee (in lieu of sugar). It’s also the ideal choice for all types of cooking. In fact, it’s the only oil stable enough to resist mild heat-induced damage. So, whenever you need an oil to cook or bake with, use coconut oil instead of butter, olive oil, vegetable oil, margarine, or any other type of oil called for in recipes.

#3: Wild Alaskan Salmon

Wild Alaskan salmon is an excellent source of essential animal-based omega-3 fats (EPA and DHA), high-quality protein, as well as astaxanthin and other antioxidants—all of which are important nutrients for fitness. Over the last several years, I’ve vigilantly warned against eating most fish, as virtually all fish these days contains dangerously high levels of mercury and other toxic contaminants. If it wasn’t for the health risks posed by this contamination, fish in general would be among my absolute most recommended foods for their outstanding nutritional benefits, including high levels of omega-3 with DHA and EPA, which most people are desperately lacking in their diets.

However, there are still some exceptions, and wild Alaskan salmon is one of them, as long as its purity can be verified. This was so important to me personally; I did loads of research to find a trusted source of Wild Alaskan salmon that passed third-party testing by an independent lab. I strongly recommend avoiding farmed fish though, particularly farmed salmon, and even more specifically genetically engineered farmed salmon.

#4: Organic Pastured Eggs

Proteins are nutrients that are essential to the building, maintenance and repair of your body tissues such as your skin, internal organs and muscles. They are also the major components of your immune system and hormones. Proteins are found in all types of food, but only foods from animal sources, such as meat and eggs contain complete proteins, meaning they provide the eight essential amino acids.

Eggs, as well as the chickens they come from, are both healthful sources of protein but ONLY if raised the way nature intended. True free-range eggs, now increasingly referred to as “pasture-raised,” come from hens that roam freely outdoors on a pasture where they can forage for their natural diet, which includes seeds, green plants, insects, and worms. Barring organic certification, which is cost-prohibitive for many small farmers, you could just make sure the farmer raises his chickens according to organic, free-range standards, allowing his flock to forage freely for their natural diet, and aren’t fed antibiotics, corn and soy.

Testing3 has confirmed that true free-range eggs are far more nutritious than commercially raised eggs. The dramatically superior nutrient levels are most likely the result of the differences in diet between free ranging, pastured hens and commercially farmed hens. Besides high-quality protein, pasture-raised eggs also contain healthful saturated fats and cholesterol—both of which your body actually needs for optimal health.

You can usually tell the eggs are free range or pastured by the color of the egg yolk. Foraged hens produce eggs with bright orange yolks. Dull, pale yellow yolks are a sure sign you’re getting eggs form caged hens that are not allowed to forage for their natural diet. Cornucopia.org offers a helpful organic egg scorecard that rates egg manufacturers based on 22 criteria that are important for organic consumers.

Ideally, you’ll want to eat your eggs raw, or as close to raw as possible. Keep in mind that the closer to raw you eat them, the more important it is to make sure the eggs are truly organic and pasture-raised, as CAFO-raised eggs are far more prone to be contaminated with pathogenic bacteria like salmonella. If you choose not to eat your egg yolks raw, poached or soft-boiled would be the next best option. Scrambled or fried eggs are the worst, as this oxidizes the cholesterol in the egg yolk. Egg yolks also contain valuable antioxidants,4 which are reduced by as much as 50 percent when the egg is fried or boiled.

#5: Organic Pasture-Raised Chicken

The foods you eat after exercise produce different effects on your body’s metabolism, so planning your post-workout meal is an important factor. Research has shown that aerobic exercise most effectively enhances insulin sensitivity when your post-workout meal has relatively low carbohydrate content.

After a cardiovascular workout, wait 30-45 minutes, and then consume a high-quality source of protein (whole food) along with a vegetable-type carbohydrate. An example would be a spinach salad and some chicken. The reason why you’ll want to wait a bit after the session to eat is to ride the fat burning wave of your cardio session. However, waiting more than an hour is typically too long, and can start to slow down your metabolism because your body goes into starvation mode.

As mentioned above, organic free-range chicken is an excellent source of protein and essential amino acids for muscle growth and maintenance. Organic chicken is also raised without the use of antibiotics (which are often used to promote growth in confined animal feeding operations, aka CAFOs). This is another important aspect, as over half of the antibiotics fed to mass-produced farm animals, including chickens, are identical to the ones administered to humans, and overuse of such antibiotics is the primary driver of antibiotic-resistant disease. Antibiotics also kill off beneficial bacteria in your gut, which can lead to chronicgut problems when consumed on a regular basis.

#6: Antibiotic Free, Grass-Fed Whey Protein

Whey protein, which is derived from milk, is considered the gold standard of protein by many, and is one of the best types of foods you can consume before and after exercise. This is particularly true after a resistance or strength training workout, when you need a meal that can be rapidly absorbed. Here, whey protein is an ideal choice, along with a higher glycemic (fast released, starchy) carbohydrate, such as a banana. The potassium in the banana seems to help with recovery. Ideally, you’ll want to consume it 15-30 minutes after your intense weight training session.

If you want, you can take 20 grams of whey protein (make sure there’s no added sugar) 30 minutes before exercise, and another serving about 30 minutes afterward. This can help increase both fat burning and muscle building. According to a 2010 study,5consuming whey protein (20g protein / serving) 30 minutes before resistance training can boost your body’s metabolism for as much as 24 hours after your workout.

If you are only going to do one whey meal, then your post-workout meal is the most crucial, especially if your aim is to increase your muscle growth.

It appears as though the amino acids found in high-quality whey protein activate certain cellular mechanisms (including mTORC-1), which in turn promote muscle protein synthesis, boost thyroid, and also protect against declining testosterone levels after exercise. This is in stark contrast to athletes who load up on carbs to fuel their workouts. As mentioned earlier, “carb loading” is a mistake, particularly for people engaged in intense strength training, as you will burn carb fuel very quickly and then “hit the wall.” The same goes for most people who start their day with muffins, bagels, or pancakes for example. This type of breakfast typically ignites a vicious cycle of hunger and snacking on even more carbs. And the more you continue eating these carb snacks, the more insulin resistant you become.

Since whey protein is a by-product of dairy, it’s important to make sure it’s derived from grass-fed, non-hormonally treated cows. It should also be minimally processed in order to preserve beneficial immuno components such as immunoglobins, bovine serum albomin, lactoferins, and other key amino acids and nutrients.

Most commercial whey products are derived from pasteurized dairy and processed with heat and acid, which destroys the whey’s fragile Immuno components and damages important amino acids. Many of them also contain chemical additives, detergents and artificial sweeteners, which are known for their health shattering effects. And contrary to popular belief, artificial sweeteners actually sabotageyour weight loss efforts by impairing your ability to regulate your appetite naturally.

#7: Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin is a natural compound that clinical studies have shown helps increase strength and stamina, decrease post-exertion recovery time, and decrease soreness after physical activity, which is why it’s on this list. It’s also thought to be one of the most potent antioxidants currently known, with a wide range of health benefits over and beyond those mentioned here. One of the benefits of astaxanthin that has piqued the interest of researchers though is its ability to enhance athletic performance.

Reports of significant health improvements from astaxanthin supplementation have come in from athletes all over the world. For example, Tim Marr, a professional triathlete in Honolulu, Hawaii, suffered from overuse injuries and sun overexposure from rigorously training in the intense Hawaiian sun. Since starting a natural astaxanthin supplement, he’s experienced significantly fewer overuse injuries and fewer adverse reactions to the sun. Marr credits astaxanthin with helping him achieve his goals and says the supplement is now one of his favorite tools as a professional athlete. I’d say it’s working—he went on to win the 2006 Pan American Long Distance Triathlon.

There are only two main sources of natural astaxanthin—the microalgae that produce it, and the sea creatures that consume the algae (such as salmon, shellfish, and krill). Most of astaxanthin’s benefits come from its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Inflammation can slow an athlete down and cost him or her valuable training days. If you are a professional athlete, you can’t afford to take time off to recover from fatigue or sore joints and muscles. So anything that can reduce inflammation will undoubtedly augment your athletic capacity—and astaxanthin is one of the most effective natural inflammatories there isIt has the ability to travel to every cell, tissue and organ in your body and helps your physical performance in the following ways:

Scavenging free radicals in your energy-producing mitochondrial cells Decreasing muscle inflammation Improving visual acuity and depth perception
Decreasing oxidative damage to your cell membranes and DNA Reducing lactic acid in your muscles (a byproduct of physical exertion) Improving sun tolerance and reducing your tendency to sunburn

#8: Rhodiola Rosea

The perennial plant Rhodiola Rosea has also been found to have exercise benefits. It’s known as an “adaptogen,” which can help your body adapt to physical, chemical, and environmental stress, and is used by many athletes for improving athletic performance6 and shortening recovery time between workouts. According to a 2004 study,7 extracts of Rhodiola rosea radix had an anti-inflammatory effect on healthy untrained volunteers, before and after bouts of exhausting exercise. It also protected muscle tissue during exercise. According to the abstract:

“Professional athletes effectively use Rhodiola rosea (‘golden radix’) extract as a safe nonsteroid food additive improving endurance and rapid recovery of muscles during several decades. Rhodiola rosea extract improves muscle work due to mobilization and more economic expenditure of energy resources of muscles. The use of adaptogens including R. rosea improved physical endurance of male athletes, reducing blood lactate level and accelerating recovery after exhausting exercise.”

Other studies have similarly found that Rhodiola can significantly increase time to exhaustion during exercise,8 reduce C reactive protein levels and improve neuromotoric fitness.

For example, a 2003 animal study9 found that rats given 50 mg/kg of Rhodiola rosea extract along with the same amount of Rhodiola crenulata root, prolonged the duration of exhaustive swimming the rats were capable of by nearly 25 percent. This improvement was found to be due to the extracts’ ability to activate the synthesis or resynthesis of ATP in mitochondria. The extracts also stimulated reparative energy processes that take place post-exercise. Rhodiola rosea was determined to be the most effective of the two extracts for improving physical working capacity.

Remember: Avoid Sugar Before, During and After Exercise!

Besides knowing which foods will help you optimize your exercise efforts, you also want to pay careful attention to what NOT to eat. To maximize the benefits of exercise, including weight loss benefits, you’ll want to carefully avoid fruit juices, energy drinks, sports drinks, most energy bars, and other sweetened beverages like Vitamin Water.

These, and virtually all other processed foods and beverages, contain high amounts of sugar, including fructose, which will effectively sabotage your efforts and nullify many of the benefits of exercise. Remember, 80 percent of the benefits you reap from a healthy lifestyle comes from you diet, and the remaining 20 percent from exercise. Exercise cannot counteract the harmful effects of a high-fructose diet.

Fructose fools your metabolism and essentially tricks your body into gaining weight by turning off your body’s appetite-control system. It also rapidly leads to weight gain and abdominal obesity (“beer belly”), decreased HDL, increased LDL, elevated triglycerides, elevated blood sugar, and high blood pressure — i.e., classic metabolic syndrome.

Additionally, consuming fructose, including that from fruit juices, within two hours of a high-intensity workout will decimate your natural human growth hormone (HGH) production – a MAJOR benefit of interval training. This happens because fructose increases production of the hormone somatostatin, a primary purpose of which is to inhibit the production of HGH…

Granted, there is a small group of elite and highly competitive athletes for whom increasing growth hormone is not a primary goal. For these athletes, consuming some carbs, preferably dextrose-based, in the recovery period is probably a good idea to improve their recovery time and will help to maximize their athletic performance. Since they’re competing, they’re less likely to be concerned about long-term growth hormone levels. But for most others, increasing HGH through high intensity interval exercise is an important factor for optimizing health, so most of my readers will want to heed to the sugar and juice restriction.

Aside from avoiding fructose like the plague, remember to combine a quality protein with a veggie-type carb in every meal, no matter whether it’s a resistance training day, an interval cardio day, or a non-workout day. However, after strength training (as opposed to cardio training), your body tends to need more rapidly absorbed nutrients and a higher glycemic (fast released, starchy) carbohydrate. Another slight difference between interval cardio and strength training days is the timing of your meal.

  • After cardio, you want to wait 30-45 minutes, and then consume a high-quality protein (whole food) and vegetable-type carbohydrate. (An example would be a spinach salad and some chicken, or high-quality whey protein).
  • After a resistance workout (muscle-building day), the ideal time to consume your post-workout meal is 15-30 minutes after finishing your session, in order to help repair your damaged muscles. Here, whey protein is an ideal choice as it’s predigested and therefore rapidly digested and easily assimilated, along with a higher glycemic (fast released, starchy) carbohydrate, such as a banana.

Source: http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/archive/2013/08/30/fitness-boosting-foods.aspx

How to Improve Your Health Quickly with Probiotics

Americans spent over $1 billion on probiotic supplements last year. Are these pills worth it?

Are you among the 1 in 3 of Americans who struggle to maintain optimal digestive function?

If you’ve ever suffered from annoying digestive issues like heartburn, gas, bloating, constipation or stomach upset, you know how much poor digestion can negatively impact your quality of life. However, you may think that digestive distress is just about being uncomfortable, but the fact is, when your digestion suffers, so do many other aspects of your health.

Here’s some important information that you need to know: Your body depends on a healthy, optimally functioning digestive tract to efficiently break down the foods you eat, extract essential nutrients and eliminate harmful toxins. And in truth, the seemingly minor digestive complaints so many people struggle with on a daily basis are actually precursors to much more serious health problems. Unfortunately, this connection has long been overlooked by conventional medicine.

The Little-Known
Effects of Poor
  • Low energy
  • Mood swings
  • Weight gain
  • Skin problems
  • Weak immunity
  • Inflammation

To make matters worse, the approach most doctors take to help patients complaining of digestive discomfort is to prescribe drugs that do nothing to address the underlying cause of the problem and are riddled with side effects. For example, when people complain of heartburn, doctors frequently recommend acid blocking medications, also known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which are the third highest selling class of drugs in the U.S. Many people take PPIs for years, not realizing that they interfere with absorption of essential nutrients like vitamin B12 and magnesium, cause bone loss and increase the risk of contracting a deadly infection. These drugs also cause rebound symptoms, which is to say, they actually make heartburn worse, leading many people to become increasingly dependent on them for relief.

The Crucial Digestion Connection
13-400-species-probioticsMore and more research is showing that when your digestion suffers, so does your overall health.[1] Poor digestion can make it difficult for your body to absorb crucial nutrients from the food you eat and to eliminate harmful toxins, resulting in nutritional deficiencies and systemic toxicity. The buildup of toxic matter inside the intestines promotes the growth of harmful microbes, which can set the stage for indigestion and eventually, more serious digestive disorders. This toxic buildup can contaminate the bloodstream and make digestion uncomfortable and progressively less efficient.

Additionally, here’s a surprising fact that most people are shocked to learn: Roughly 80% of your immune system is actually found in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract![2] This means that your gut is a key player when it comes to maintaining a strong immune system and optimal overall health.

Why Do People Struggle with Poor Digestion
The underlying cause of most digestive complaints is simple: a microbial imbalance. Our GI tracts are colonized with bacteria beginning from the day we’re born, and as a result, our intestines are brimming with many different strains of bacteria, some beneficial — some not. The “bad” microbes promote disease, while the “good” microbes promote efficient digestion, helping us to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins. These friendly bacteria, also known as probiotics (which means “for life”), stimulate the immune system and work to crowd out the bad microbes.

As a result, when we eliminate or reduce the good microbes from our body, we set ourselves up for nutritional deficiencies, the build-up of dangerous toxins, increased susceptibility to infection — and a whole cascade of health problems. Exposure to antibiotics, antibacterial hand soaps and environmental pollutants, as well as poor eating habits and stress can all quickly kill off good bacteria.[3] In fact, antibiotics are one of the very worst culprits, since they are literally designed to quickly kill bacteria (both the good and bad types) in your body, and since so many doctors prescribe them unnecessarily.

Improve Your Health Quickly with Probiotics
The latest scientific research is showing that it’s crucial to make sure you’ve got plenty of good bacteria in your body.[4] And while this may seem like news from the cutting-edge of science — humans throughout the world have actually known this for centuries. Throughout history, people have used fermented foods which are naturally high in probiotics, such as yogurt, cheese, miso and cultured vegetables, to support intestinal health.

Unfortunately, in this modern day and age, most of us need a little extra help, even if we regularly consume fermented foods. Of course, the big food and pharmaceutical companies are trying to capitalize on the growing popularity of probiotics and have come up with a slew of “probiotic” drinks, snacks and pills that are little more than marketing hype. And of course, as with any health trend, there are some shady supplement companies out there hawking probiotic pills that offer little to no benefits whatsoever.[5] But this doesn’t mean you should stay away from probiotics.

In fact, taking a high quality probiotic supplement may make many nagging health problems quickly disappear. However, it’s important to choose the right product so you’re not wasting time, money and the opportunity to revolutionize your health!

Most Probiotic Supplements Are DOA!
Here’s some essential information that you need to know about probiotic supplements:The live bacteria most contain are literally DEAD ON ARRIVAL by the time they make it to you. That’s because most probiotic supplements require consistently cold temperatures to keep the bacteria alive. Even if the bottle is refrigerated in the store when you buy it, you can’t be sure it was refrigerated in the truck, in the warehouse, etc. Just a few hours of exposure to light or heat is all it takes to kill the microbes. And unfortunately, the few advanced formulas out there that don’t require refrigeration are absurdly expensive.

How to Avoid Wasting Your Money on Probiotics
As I explained above, most of the probiotic supplements you’ll find out there don’t have what it takes to get the job done — and some are literally worthless! Here are four things to look for to ensure that you’re spending your money on a supplement that’s vital and truly effective:

  1. Shelf stability: Take a product made using advanced Heat Stabilization Technology (HST) so that it does not require refrigeration. This way, you can be sure the friendly bacteria are still alive and thriving. Look for a formula that guarantees at least 10 billion colony forming units (CFU).
  2. Multiple bacterial strains: Just a single strain of bacteria won’t cut it for broad-spectrum health benefits. Look for a supplement that provides these five bacterial strains, which have the most research backing their effectiveness:Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.[6,7,8,9,10]
  3. Prebiotics: Research shows that when prebiotics are added to a probiotic supplement, they help good bacteria to adhere to the intestines and can significantly enhance the effectiveness of the probiotics.[11]
  4. A reasonable price: Some people mistakenly believe if you pay more for a probiotic supplement you get better quality. My advice is to avoid paying more than $20 for a one month supply. There are many companies making bogus marketing claims and charging more than three times this.

A study from the University of Virginia Health System and Case Western Reserve University found that probiotics promote gut health through stimulation of the innate immune system rather than with anti-inflammatory action.

Researchers also reported that their findings suggest that defects in immunity may play a key role in the formation and progression of intestinal disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease. [12]

The Best Probiotic Supplement on the Market
Trivita’s goal in creating this formula was to offer a probiotic supplement of superior quality at an amazingly affordable price, so that no one has to suffer the consequences of suboptimal digestion.

FloraVita™ Probiotics are simply the best option out there when it comes to comprehensive support for your digestive health:

  • It’s Powerful: FloraVita™ provides a whopping 15 billion CFU (the equivalent of more than 10 cups of yogurt) of the five most extensively researched, potent bacterial strains. Just one small capsule a day is all you need!
  • It Stays Powerful: FloraVita™ is shelf stable and requires no refrigeration because it is made with advanced Heat Stabilization Technology (HST) that guarantees its potency well beyond the time it’s manufactured.
  • It’s Enhanced with Prebiotics: FloraVita™ includes NutraFlora® and Inulin, two types of proven prebiotics, which work synergistically with the probiotics to enhances their effectiveness by serving as “food” for the friendly bacteria.
  • It’s Safe and Effective: FloraVita™ is made with the utmost care in the USA in an FDA inspected facility to meet the stringent standards of US Pharmacopeia (USP) for quality, purity and potency

Try Now and Feel Better Within 7 Days!
How soon will you feel the benefits? The great news about FloraVita™ is that its ingredients go to work right away colonizing your digestive tract with friendly bacteria, and you’ll start to notice improvements almost immediately.

Within 7 days you’ll experience:

Enhanced digestive comfort
Reduced gas and bloating
Improved digestive regularity
Increased energy levels
Better mood balance
A stronger immune system
Clearer, healthier skin
Less inflammation body-wide
And so much more!

FloraVita 2FloraVita:

  • Helps reduce bloating, gas and upset stomach
  • Supports colon health, regularity and relief from constipation
  • Helps restore the natural balance of good bacteria in your digestive tract

Powerpacked with four classes of nutrients for complete digestive health:

  • The HardiStrain® Probiotic Blend – delivers a potent 10 billion CFU,

including 10 different friendly bacteria strains.

  • Prebiotic Blend – this growth-stimulating prebiotic blend helps probiotics multiply and also soothes and boosts the defense function of the digestive system.
  • Digestive Enzyme Blend – offers a suite of enzymes that break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats to help your body achieve complete digestion.
  • Digestive Defense Blend – contains milk thistle and dandelion root to help soothe an inflamed and irritated digestive system.

This imbalance can leave the intestinal tract vulnerable to “bad” bacteria and toxins. Short term, this disruption can mean heartburn, indigestion, bloating, food allergies, irregularity and diarrhea. Long term, it can lead to serious conditions, including chronic infections, irritable bowel syndrome, GERD and inflammatory bowel disease.


FloraVita, a complete digestive health solution

FloraVita can help restore the natural balance of good bacteria in your digestive tract with its four powerful classes of nutrients:

  1. HardiStrain® Probiotic Blend – Provides 10 billion colony forming units (CFU) of probiotics per serving, featuring 10 different beneficial strains. (Learn more here.)
  2. Prebiotic Blend – A food source for probiotics, which helps stimulate growth and proliferation. FloraVita contains three different prebiotics to provide nourishment for the probiotics, and to help soothe and boost the defense function of the digestive system.
  3. Digestive Enzyme Blend – Assists and enhances digestion, helping the body get the maximum amount of nutrients from food.
  4. Digestive Defense Blend – Helps soothe digestive inflammation with milk thistle and dandelion root.

FloraVitaUnique delivery, maximum results

Probiotics are fragile organisms that must overcome several obstacles before making it to the intestines where they can begin their good work. First they must withstand the exposure to light, heat and moisture on the shelf. Then, they face their most difficult obstacle: they must make it through the powerful digestive acids in the stomach. To ensure that living probiotics reach their destination and get to work, FloraVita utilizes two key innovations:

  • Dry-preservation technology – Vigorous, energetic and robust probiotics are preserved through a dry-preservation technology that helps maintain low-moisture for a longer shelf life. No refrigeration required!
  • DRcaps™ – Unique, targeted-release, acid-resistant capsules protect the probiotics from harsh digestive acids, ensuring they get where they need to go.

With its unique and powerful nutrient blend and delivery technology, FloraVita provides a complete digestive health solution. Try it today!

Whether you’re concerned about improving your digestion, boosting your immune health and overall wellness or avoiding more serious health problems down the road, FloraVita™ is a smart and truly affordable investment. I hope you’ll give it a try! 

Scientific References
1. Lipski, E. (2004). Digestive wellness. McGraw-Hill.Bjarnason, I. (2005).
2. Dig Liver Dis. 2006 Dec;38(Suppl 2):S256-60.
3. Dysbiosis: A Good Neighborhood Gone Bad. Digestive Wellness, 42(8), 382.
4. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2011 Jan;27(1):61-5.
5. ConsumerLab.com. Product Review: Probiotics for Adults, Children and Pets. Retrieved 5.3.12.
6. J Dairy Sci. 2011 Jul;94(7):3288-94.
7. J Physiol Pharmacol. 2009 Dec;60 Suppl 6:5-11.
8. J Indust Microb. 1990 Dec; 6(4):263-267.
9. Pediatrics. 1991 Jul; 88(1):90-97.
10. Brit J Nutr. 2000; 83(02):167-176.
11. Altern Med Rev. 2008 Dec;13(4):315-29.
12. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences January 5, 2010; 107(1): 454-459

Disclaimer: The information contained above is for general consumer understanding and education, and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This product is not an alternative to any prescription drug. If you are currently taking a prescription drug, consult your doctor before making any changes. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The Hidden Danger of B12 Deficiency

change-your-lifeIf you are getting signs of early aging: declining strength and energy, brain fog and “senior moments,” irritability, difficulty sleeping, hearing and vision loss…the list goes on and on. Most people either accept these things as “just part of getting older,” or take whatever drugs their doctors prescribe in the hopes of feeling better. The truth is these are NOT normal signs of aging.

Most of the time, there is a simple, easily remedied vitamin deficiency underlying many of these symptoms, making you feel older than you are! Yet tragically, it frequently goes undetected by doctors until it manifests as a severe neurological disorder, dementia, mental illness, chronic fatigue, cardiovascular disease, cancer…or worse.[1]

This is  vitamin B12 deficiency, which sadly, affects nearly 50% of older adults.[2] If you’ve experienced any of the symptoms I described above, it’s imperative that you take action NOW before irreversible damage occurs. The good news is that B12 deficiency can be remedied easily, quickly and inexpensively. But don’t run out and grab the first bottle of B12 you see – it’s crucial that you take the right kind of B12.

red-check2 Low energy and weakness red-check2 Memory problems
red-check2 Confusion or “fuzziness” red-check2 Irritability and mood swings
red-check2 Persistent sleep problems red-check2 Dizziness or lightheadedness
red-check2 Digestive problems red-check2 Weak immunity
red-check2 Hearing and vision loss red-check2 Tingling in the extremities

What You Should Know About B12Vitamin B12 is essential to the very foundation of life itself – it’s one of the building blocks your body uses to produce DNA. It also keeps your immune system functioning optimally,[3] regulates mood and sleep cycles,[4] and is crucial to energy production, which is why it’s known as the “energy vitamin.”[5] It also protects your brain and nervous system by keeping nerves healthy and communicating in an optimal manner.[6,7] And emerging research is showing that B12 helps to lower levels of the stress hormone homocysteine,[8,9] making it a vital player in maintaining heart and brain health.

How B12 Protects Your BrainbrainCognitive decline is a serious concern for most of us as we get older. Sadly, the statistics are grim – if you live to be 80, your chances of suffering from severe loss of cognitive function are 1 in 2.[10] The good news is that getting enough B12 can drastically cut your risk!

Scientists now understand that age-related cognitive decline is linked to a process in the body that involves a decrease in brain mass. That’s right, your brain actually shrinks as you age! This reduction in brain mass is directly correlated with loss of memory and cognitive function seen in older individuals.[11]

Emerging research is showing that being deficient in B12puts your brain in serious danger, so if you care about your cognitive health, you better be sure that you’re getting enough. Recently, a landmark study showed vitaminB12 supplementation slows the accelerated rate of brain shrinkage and declining cognitive scores in older individuals.[12] Another study showed that older individuals with higher levels of B12 in their blood had less shrinkage of the brain than counterparts with lower levels. Those with higher B12 blood levels and increased brain size even scored higher on memory and cognitive tests![13]

B12 Deficiency: The Silent Epidemicb12Recent studies have shown that nearly 1 in 2 older adults have dangerously low levels of B12.[14] The older you are, the higher your risk, but younger people aren’t exempt from harm. In a shocking recent Tufts University study, researchers found that nearly 1 in 4 people over age 26 are at least borderline deficient in B12 and may already be experiencing symptoms as a result.[15]

The worst part is that doctors typically misdiagnose B12 deficiency symptomsand then prescribe drugs that do nothing to address the problem, but instead, have plenty of side effects that only serve to make you feel worse! But you can avoid falling into that trap.

Why Are So Many People B12 Deficient?The reason that the vast majority of people end up B12 deficient has nothing to do with their B12 intake, but rather, their ability to absorb B12 from food. As you get older, the lining of your stomach gradually loses its ability to produce hydrochloric acid, which you need to absorb B12 from food. The use of certain drugs can also lower your stomach acid secretion, further hampering B12 absorption.[16] This is why with B12 supplements, a sublingual (under the tongue) delivery system – which ensures the B12 goes directly into your bloodstream, bypassing your digestive tract – is absolutely essential.

B12 Deficiency Can Strike Anyone, But You Are at Higher Risk if You
black-check Are over the age of 45 black-check Take acid-blocking medications
black-check Are a vegan or vegetarian black-check Are or have ever been anemic
black-check Suffer from digestive problems black-check Have low stomach acid
black-check Take certain diabetes drugs black-check Drink alcoholic beverages


Now you can, with the help of Dr. Libby’s original, patented absorption process for Sublingual B 12, B-6 & Folic acid. These tasty tablets dissolve sublingually (under the tongue) which delivers B vitamins into your blood stream in a much more powerful way than swallowed B-12 tablets.

Both unique formulas help you enjoy:

  • Sustained mental energy and stamina
  • More mental focus and alertness
  • Improved memory and concentration
  • Better mood and sense of well-being

The best B vitamin option
Basically, there are three ways to get more B vitamins into your system and meet your body’s Vitamin B needs: (1) diet, (2) B-12 shots, and (3) vitamin supplements.

  1. Diet – for so many people, this doesn’t work due to a variety of factors such as stress, prescription medications, digestive disorders and even growing older.
  2. B-12 shots – these also don’t work for many people because of their great inconvenience, pain and expense.
  3. Vitamin Supplements – these tablets are handy in that they are readily available, primarily through daily multi-vitamins, B vitamin complexes and finally, sublingual B vitamin formulations. The problem with most supplements, however, is that they need to be swallowed. This method reduces both the speed and the potency of the B vitamins entering your body’s system.

Product Highlights

  • An essential B vitamin which is an important component of brain cells and nerve tissue and is involved in energy production, immune function, and regulation of stress levels and sleep patterns
  • An especially important supplement for older people who are especially prone to B12 deficiency
  • Sublingual lozenge dissolves quickly under the tongue, ensuring optimal absorption and maximum benefits
  • Vitamin B12 is an essential B vitamin that is used by the body for energy production and keeping the brain and nervous system functioning optimally.

In contrast, the sublingual method (tablet under the tongue) is vastly superior.

When you consider the above assessment, it’s clear that the sublingual method is the best way to meet and maintain your body’s crucial B vitamin needs. But to maximize this advantage, you also need the best type of sublingual B vitamin supplement available.

TriVita Sublingual B-12 is that supplement. That’s because our Sublingual B-12 supplements use the original, patented Sublingual B-12 process invented by Dr. Libby. It’s available exclusively from TriVita.

Experience Dr. Libby’s original, patented sublingual process for yourself – order our Original or Super Sublingual B-12 today.

Order Now and Feel Better in Just Days!How soon will you feel the benefits? Sublingual B-12 is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, so you’ll begin to notice its benefits almost immediately.

Within 1 to 3 days you’ll experience:

black-check More energy throughout the day
black-check Enhanced cognitive function
black-check Fewer “senior moments”
black-check More balanced moods
black-check Deeper, more restful sleep
black-check Better digestion
black-check A stronger immune system
black-check And so much more!

Whether you’re concerned about increasing your energy levels, boosting your mood or cognitive abilities, or avoiding health problems down the road, Sublingual B-12 is a smart and truly affordable investment. I hope you’ll give it a try!

Scientific References
1. Pacholok SM and Stuart JJ. Could It Be B12?: An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses. 1st ed. Linden Publishing, 2005.
2. Geriatrics. 2003; 58(3):30-4, 37-8.
3. Clin Exp Immunol. 1999; 116:28-32.
4. Neuropsychopharm. 1996; 15:456-64.
5. Herbert V. Vitamin B12 in Present Knowledge in Nutrition. 17th ed. International Life Sciences Institute Press, 1996.
6. Eur J Pharm. 1993; 241:1-6.
7. Neurosci Lett. 2000; 288:191-4.
8. Clin Nutr. 2012; 1-7.
9. Ann Pharmacother. 2000; 34:57-65.
10. http://www.alzheimersprevention.org/alzheimers_disease.htm
11. http://www.AHAF.com/alzheimers
12. PLoS ONE. 5(9): e12244. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012244.
13. Neurology. Published online Dec. 28, 2011. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e3182436598
14. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000; 71:514-22.
15. Annu Rev Nutr. 1999; 19:357-77.
16. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2000; 14:651-68.

The information contained above is for general consumer understanding and education, and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This product is not an alternative to any prescription drug. If you are currently taking a prescription drug, consult your doctor before making any changes. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

Time to Support Your Immune System

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The immune system is an excellent example of complex efficiency among many of the  systems working within the human body. A network of participating cells and organs, it synchronizes its responses when defending the body from infection and disease. Supporting your Immune system is becoming more important ever. Malnutrition impairs immune function. For decades Vitamin C has been the primary source used to prevent chronic diseases, strengthen and build up the bodies natural ability to mitigate viruses, pollutants and pathogens. Vitamin C can be found in dark leafy green vegetables and fruits.

The Camu Berry, also known as the feel good fruit, grows in bushy trees along the river of the Amazon Rain Forest in Venezuela, Peru and Brazil. It has been used for centuries by the Amazon people to build and strengthen their immune systems.
The juice of the Camu Berry is power packed with vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are quickly absorbed providing the immune system with a huge boost.

The antiviral properties of the Camu berry help fight viruses, protects the body against colds, flu and has fifty times more Vitamin C than Oranges.

Our bodies are complex working machines with the first line of defense being our immune system. The immune system is vital because it guards, defends and clears the body of poisons and toxins. When this defense is weakened or breaks down over time our bodies will no longer recognize or respond to foreign invaders.

Once our bodies are no longer functioning at their peak state they become a magnet for intruders that spread their infections and diseases which can pollute the entire body weakening it further.

Additionally, our systems can become overloaded due to lack of sleep, lifestyles, improper diets, stress, worries, working long hours and a serious lack of exercise.

When a strong immune system is not maintained these factors continue to break down our defenses and ability to destroy invading organisms. These conditions become a catalyst for creating a myriad of other serious health problems.

Likewise, when the body cannot eliminate toxins they can build up in the joints causing painful swelling, arthritic conditions, fibromyalgia and inflammation.

Everyday we are constantly fighting free roaming pathogens, environmental pollutants, chemicals, poor quality of food and water. All of these components attack and deplete our bodies of vital nutrients and wellness.

The bodies immune system is just that, a system not a single working entity. Our bodies need us to support a proper balance and harmony thus ensuring our immune systems function at full capacity.

Taking charge of your overall wellness begins by maintaining a strong healthy immune system.

Few important ways you can strengthen your immune system.

1. Eat Lots of Fruits and Veggies
2. Avoid Sugar and Salt
3. Stress less
4. Stay active and move your body
5. Sleep Soundly
6. Socialize More
7.  Eat Friendly Bacteria
8. Expose Yourself to Sun more
9. Choose Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Wisely

Choose Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Wisely
This is vital in ensuring that every part of our body is functioning to prevent environmental assaults. Learn more about natural ways to boost your daily immune defense.

Our immune system heavily depends on the stomach for support. Malnourished individuals are more susceptible to disease as opposed to those who observe a healthy nutritious diet. Below are some of these examples: Echinacea, Ginseng, Garlic,  Bell peppers, Ginger, Turmeric, Gingko Biloba, Ganoderma, Astragalus and Cat’s claw

Learn more about a powerful all natural way to build your immune system. This amazing immune support product contains powerful antioxidants, super nutrients and disease preventing agents that fight against the foreign contaminants that attack our bodies and minds daily. Zamu Gold a Powerful Immune Defense

From a practical perspective, taking in food which boosts the immune system while enjoying it at the same time can be a cost effective way to maintain health. Coupled with a healthy lifestyle, sufficient rest and a positive outlook in life, staying healthy does not have to cost an arm and a leg.

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