The Truth About Sunlight, Cancer and Vitamin D

*Does sunlight cause skin cancer or does sunlight prevent skin cancer?
*How does sunbathing give you the so-called red neck?
* Is tanning booth bad for you or does it help your body to generate Vitamin D under certain circumstances? (And what are the circumstances?)
*What is the relationship between nutrition, Vitamin D and cancer?

This is a video that reveals the truth about Vitamin D, sunlight and cancer.
Find out more with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, in this 23-minute video at

How To Protect Yourself From Colds & The Flu

This year there’s been a lot of scary news about the flu epidemic. But you don’t have to be a victim. Listen to this informative video to learn about the differences between allergies, colds and the flu — and even more importantly, what specific steps you can take to help protect yourself and loved ones from both colds and the flu.

Order Zamu Gold

Wellness Talk – Vitamin B-12 Deficiency & Solutions

The second greatest deficiency among U.S. adults is Vitamin B-12. This deficiency can harm your brain, lungs, kidneys and liver! Learn about the symptoms, how to check yourself and discover quick, effective solutions in this video.

Why B vitamins are so essential to your wellness
Your brain and nervous system must have sufficient quantities of B vitamins to function properly. Yet as you age, your body’s ability to absorb B vitamins diminishes. Furthermore, many other risk factors in your life can deplete your body’s Vitamin B reserves even more. When this happens, many undesirable health problems can occur, such as

  • brain erosion
  • depression
  • personality change
  • heart disease
  • dementia

…and more.

HCY Guard

Formulated to reduce your risk of degenerative diseases

Helps protect against deadly homocysteine (HCY) levels

Your body needs homocysteine for its normal processes. However, serious problems begin when you have too much of it in your system and it builds up to dangerously high levels.

High HCY levels can lead to serious conditions such as:

Poor cardiovascular health
High sugar levels
Bone loss
Memory loss

For your best protection, choose HCY Guard – its special sublingual delivery method releases more of the powerful nutrients into your system than a swallowed pill or capsule. Best of all:

HCY Guard has been clinically proven to reduce homocysteine by 30-40% in just 42 days! (See study results.)

Help protect your health by lowering and maintaining healthy HCY levels – order HCY Guard today.

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Essential Vitamin D

Over the past 20 years, scientific studies have repeatedly shown that Vitamin D is not just a vitamin, but a hormone, too – a very potent one that plays an astonishing role in determining your body’s overall health.

The Wonderful “D”
Science now thinks Vitamin D greatly supports many of your body’s key systems, including the cardiovascular, the immune, the digestive and so much more.

The alarming “D”-ficiency
At the same time, science is raising alarms about this widespread, serious deficiency: As many as 2 out of 3 or more Americans are Vitamin D deficient.

But getting the right “D” is essential
For most people, a supplement is the best way to ensure they are meeting their body’s very crucial needs for Vitamin D daily. But for the best results, you need the best “D” – TriVita Essential D. Its unique formula puts it ahead of every other product on the market.

Click here to order

Lower Your Cholesterol

TriVita Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew discusses how heart disease begins, where it progresses and its relation to cholesterol..Lower Your Cholesterol  Learn how you can use various techniques and supplements to help protect against heart disease

Rest Assured with Adaptuit Sleep

Adaptuit and Adaptuit™ Sleep is specially formulated to help the body relax and quiet the mind by providing natural relief from occasional sleeplessness caused by stress or other factors.