Amazing Benefits of Cranberry Juice for Your Optimum Health

cranberry-juice-benefitsCranberries are small acidic berries which grow on evergreen shrubs that are native to North America. They were first harvested by Native Americans and later by the Europeans. The Latin name of this fruit is ‘Vacciniummacrocarpon’ and it belongs to the family ‘Ericaceae’. Since the dawn of 21st century, cranberries have been marketed as super fruits on account of their rich nutrient and antioxidant properties. Cranberries can be processed into juice, jam, sauce or candies. They are also available in a dried form.

Cranberry juice is a dark red, unsweetened juice made from whole cranberries. The purest form of this juice is the one that is 100% preservative free and with no added color or flavor. It is very strong and tart, and is therefore generally consumed after diluting with water. Doctors typically recommend the unsweetened variety than the sweetened packaged kinds that are found in the market these days. Pure cranberry juice offers a host of health and beauty benefits on account of its high nutritional value.

Nutritional Value Of Cranberry Juice:

Cranberry juice has a remarkable amount of antioxidant when compared to other fruits and vegetables. One cup of cranberries possesses 8983 antioxidant capacity. It contains anthocyanin flavonoids, sianidin, peonidin, quercetin, tannins and 87.13g of water per 100 g. It is a good source of salicylic acid and Vitamin C. It nourishes the body with carbohydrates, proteins and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and vitamins like niacin, riboflavin, Vitamin B6, E and K.

History of the cranberry

A native American plant, cranberries were first harvested by native Americans and quickly thereafter, European settlers. Though the health benefits of the cranberry were not scientifically understood, sailors of those times consumed cranberries while aboard ship to ward off “scurvy” (a disease now understood to be an extreme deficiency in vitamin C.)

Real juice, not “juice cocktail”

Studies for unsweetened (NOT sugar-free), not-from-concentrate cranberry juice have shown many surprising health benefits. But keep in mind, real cranberry juice is the dark red, unsweetened juice made from whole cranberries. You can find it in most stores that sell organic vegetables and other health foods. It is not “cranberry juice cocktail.” Be sure to always read the labels before you purchase any juice. You might be buying what amounts to be little more than sugar-water, labeled as a healthy juice drink.
For those who have never tasted the “real stuff,” real cranberry juice might taste quite strong and very tart. I recommend diluting the juice with water to your taste. When mixed with half a glass or more of regular water, it is much less tart, and tastes almost exactly like the sugar-sweetened unhealthier “juice cocktail” varieties.

Health Benefits of the Cranberry

Cranberry is a versatile fruit with far reaching health benefits. Its medicinal properties have been recognized since centuries. Native Americans would use raw cranberries to dress wounds.  The phytonutrients found in cranberry juice are known to prevent a host of health problems. Cranberries are a very good source of antioxidants too. Antioxidants are compounds that can either be manufactured naturally by the body or ingested from food and drinks.  Antioxidants slow down and prevent the oxidation process through their ability to stabilize free radicals by donating an electron. Flavonoids and polyphenols found in cranberry juice fixes and prevent the damage of cells thereby lowering the risk of infections and other diseases.

1. Prevents painful urinary tract infection 

Did you know that modern preservatives in foods have been linked to the rise in urinary tract infections? Cranberry’s anti-adhesion properties—or the proanthocyanidins minerals found in the fruit—helps to avoid such infections.

Cranberries are also known to curb a rare kind of infection, known as yeast infection. Yeast infection is caused due to an overgrowth of naturally occurring bacteria in the body which occurs mostly in men and children. This juice contains substances that render bacteria ineffective to cling to the walls of the mouth, intestines or urinary tract.  Fresh cranberry juice flushes out yeast and other excess fungi from the body.

2. Reduces Dental Plaque

This natural beverage has nothing but good news for the teeth and gums. Experts say cranberry juice inhibits the growth of mouth bacteria that causes plaque. So, drink up!  A healthy dose of cranberry juice ensures your teeth are fresh and clean all the time.

Cranberry juice is also known to prevent tooth decay. Proanthocyanidin found in cranberries inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause plaque and prevents the decay of teeth due to development of cavities. Good dental hygiene along with a moderate consumption of cranberry juice disrupts the mechanism of pathogenesis and promotes good dental health. Unsweetened cranberry juice decreases the incidence of the bacteria that are found in the mouth and combats bad breath too. Therefore a healthy dose of this juice ensures clean teeth at all times.
3. Kidney Stone Prevention cranberry-juice 4

This is still under active medical research, but the presence of quinic acid have experts saying it is possible for cranberry juice to help prevent the development of kidney stones. It makes sense since the cranberry helps rid the body of wastes and bacteria—anything that doesn’t belong there.

The calcium present in cranberry juice strengthens the teeth and bones, thereby reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis. It also contains quinic acid which is said to be beneficial in preventing the formation of kidney stones.

4. Deter Cancer

Cranberry juice is a good source of polyphenol antioxidants and phytochemicals, both of which are possible deterrents against cancer and disorders of the cardiovascular and immune systems. That’s a lot of benefits coming from a small fruit.

Incorporating cranberry juice in the daily diet can even prevent the occurrence of certain types of cancers. The proanthocyanidin in cranberries inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the body. Studies have concluded that a diet rich in flavonoids reduces the risk of cancer and the mortality due to it. The anti-carcinogenic compounds found in this juice hinder the growth of cancer cells, particularly those of colon and prostate cancer.  It hinders growth of micro tumors in the blood cells and prevents their unrestrained growth. Certain chemicals in cranberries thwart the incidence of breast cancer too.

5. Yeast Infection

What is yeast infection?  It is an overgrowth in the body of a type of naturally occurring bacteria. Yeast infection and fungi overgrowth in Americans has been estimated by the experts to be present in 85% of the population and goes largely undiagnosed, especially in men and children. Surprisingly, doctors estimate that up to 85% of men are affected. They usually suffer in the form of digestive problems and other symptoms and later in life, prostate problems.

6. Anti-tumor properties

The polyphenol compound present in cranberry has anti-tumor effects. Regular consumption of cranberry juice inhibits the development and spread of lung, breast, colon and prostrate tumors. The presence of salyclic acid reduces swelling and prevents the formation of blood clots which can lead to tumor.

7. Improves cardiovascular healthOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Cranberry juice lowers the risk of developing heart related ailments and improves cardiovascular health. The flavonoids and antioxidants present in cranberries decrease the threat of atherosclerosis, a condition in which the arteries get constricted owing to the accumulation of fat in it. This obstructs the flow of oxygen rich blood to various parts of the body which can lead to heart attack or stroke. These compounds found in cranberries suppress the oxidation of low density lipoprotein and encourage the formation of blood platelets.

8. Fights common infections

Cranberry juice is also effective in remedying infections like cold, flu and sore throat. It also soothes the respiratory tract and inhibits the growth of certain strains of haemophilus influenza which are a common cause of respiratory and ear infections in children.

Several researches have indicated that cranberry juice protects the brain from neurological damage and other brain related diseases.

9. Soothes discomfort caused due to ulcers

The flavonoid content of cranberry juice reduces the risk of developing stomach disorders like peptic ulcer by inhibiting the growth of helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that causes infection in the stomach. A study has revealed that patients ailing from this stomach disorder, who consumed the juice of cranberries, reported twice the relief when compared to those who did not consume it.

10. Prevents Scurvy

The high vitamin C content in cranberry juice is extremely vital for the production of collagen in the body which is responsible for the healthy functioning of tissues. This is beneficial in preventing the occurrence of scurvy and other related diseases.

11. Soothes inflammation

The anti-inflammatory properties of cranberry juice work extremely well in treating inflammation, particularly lung inflammation caused by the influenza virus. Nondialyzables present in cranberries obstructs the virus from sticking to the cells, thereby preventing infections. The anti-inflammatory effects of cranberry juice have been proven to be effective against the inflammation caused in the lungs by the influenza virus. A substance called nondialyzable material or NDM present in the cranberries prevents the influenza virus from sticking to the cells and hence preventing a flu infection.

12. Aids weight loss

Cranberry juice has an emulsifying effect on the fats deposited in the body which in turn help in losing weight. Owing to its fiber content, there is a tendency to stay satiated for a longer period of time.

13. Boosts immunity

The juice of cranberries is rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals which promote a healthy immune system. It also eases the symptoms of age related problems like memory loss, lack of coordination etc.

Cranberries also provide a plethora of benefits to the skin. It regenerates, moisturizes and brightens the skin. It is also effective in treating wrinkles that is primarily caused due to free radicals.

14. Anti- aging properties

Owing to its high concentration of antioxidants, vitamin C, B3 and B5, drinking cranberry juice regularly not only enhances the turnover of cells, but also shields against any damage caused due to environmental factors. The free radicals present in the environment are responsible for the formation of wrinkles, redness, pigmentation and fine lines on the skin. Anti-oxidants in cranberry juice combat the free radicals and by supplying the missing electrons, thereby reducing the damage caused and slowing down the aging process.

15. Acts as a toner

The acidic nature of cranberry juice also helps people with oily skin. The enzymes present in this fruit exfoliate dead skin and unclog the sebaceous glands which prevent the formation of sebum. Mix cranberry juice along with honey and rub it on the face.  Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. This instant mix works as a wonderful toner for the skin.

16. Firms up the skin

Vitamin C in cranberry juice is a component that is crucial for the production of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine, the amino acids which are required for the production of collagen in the body. Collagen helps the blood vessels under the skin in carrying oxygen and other nutrients which in turn soften and firms up the skin keeping it look young and radiant. When it comes to taking care of the skin during winters, this juice is a favorite as it offers ample protection against the harsh winter weather conditions.  Consumption of cranberry juice will help keep the skin smooth and supple even during winters.

17. Treats acnecranberry-juice 3

The antiseptic properties of this juice are very effective for treating acne and boils on the skin. Cranberry juice is rich in resveratrol, an antioxidant which is very effective in minimizing acne and pimples.

A mask made of cranberry juice as one of the primary ingredients brightens the skin and gives an instant fresh look.. Mix cranberry juice with orange peel powder and a bit of honey. Make a fine paste of it. Apply it all over the face and leave it on for 20 minutes. When applied on a regular basis, it is sure to give the skin a lighter tone.

18. Promotes hair growth

Cranberry juice is considered to be one of the best fruits juices for long and lustrous hair. Vitamin A and C that are present in cranberry juice are the two main vitamins that promote the growth of healthy hair. Thus, regular consumption of cranberry juice prevents hair loss and promotes the growth of hair.

19. Prevents psoriasis and alopecia

The anti septic and anti fungal properties of this juice prevents dandruff, psoriasis other scalp related problems. Cranberry juice when applied topically on the scalp helps to get rid of these conditions. Vitamin C in cranberry juice is an essential nutrient to treat damaged hair and prevent a variety of hair disorders, which can damage the hair follicles and effect the normal growth of the hair. Thus cranberry juice can help to combat alopecia, and male baldness.

20. A natural hair color

One of the many Cranberry juice uses is that it can be used to color the hair. Mix a cup of pure cranberry juice with 1/4th cup of water. Use this as a final rinse after washing the hair. This rinse works great on hair of darker shade, and brings out the rich red hue of the hair, especially in sunlight.cranberries

Cranberry Juice Side Effects:

  • Though there are multiple benefits of this tart juice, care should be taken to consume it in moderation. Cranberry juice is not a cure for everything related to the urinary system. Cranberry juice should be strictly avoided by those suffering from intestinal cystitis. Intestinal cystitis is a painful bladder disease which occurs when the lining of the bladder becomes damaged and allows urine to come in contact with sensitive tissue.  The condition is known to worsen with the consumption of cranberry juice.
  • Owing to its high acidic content, too much of this juice can cause a wearing of the enamel of the teeth.
  • People suffering from diabetes and stomach problems should also exercise caution while drinking cranberry juice. Too much of this juice can lead to an upset stomach, diarrhea and elevated blood sugar levels.
  • Cranberry juice is also known to interfere with some medication, especially heart medicines. The combination of cranberry juice and heart medicines can lead to internal bleeding which if unnoticed can even be life threatening. Those under medication should consult a doctor before including this juice in their daily diet.

A Word of Caution

Cranberries and cranberry juice offer a variety of health benefits, barring the few exceptions listed below:

Warfarin (Coumadin): Warfarin is an anticoagulant drug that is used as a blood thinner, and it lowers the chances of blood clots occurring in the body. These blood clots can further result in serious conditions like cardiovascular disorders or clots in the legs, lungs, and other parts of the cardiovascular system. There are indications that people who take warfarin should be cautious regarding the intake of cranberry, as they are at a high risk of bleeding. Excess consumption of cranberry juice is not recommended for those people as it may affect the efficacy and safety of warfarin in the body. In such cases, it is always advisable to regularly get your blood tested in order to consume the correct dose of the medication.

Aspirin allergy: Cranberries contain substantial quantities of salicylic acid, which is also present in aspirin. People who need blood thinners and are prescribed aspirin should avoid consuming too much cranberry juice. Intake of cranberries should also be restricted if you are allergic to aspirin.

Kidney stones: Cranberry extracts contain a significant concentration of oxalate and calcium. This amplifies the chances of developing calcium-oxalate stones and uric acid stones in certain people. People who have kidney stones or have a history of kidney stones should consult a medical professional before consuming cranberry supplements or a large amount of cranberry juice. Studies have provided evidence that cranberry juice can raise the level of oxalate in the urine by up to 43%.

Cranberry extracts have been used to deodorize urine in some people who have complications in controlling urination, also known as urinary incontinence. The extracts can prevent the urinary catheters from blocking and speed up the curative process of the membrane around the stomach.

A Final Word on Cranberry Juice: Unsweetened cranberry juice tastes slightly sour, but for medicinal purposes, 2 ounces of cranberry juice diluted in 8 ounces of water is recommended. It is very good for your overall health. Finally, cranberry juice strengthens the immune system and helps to relieve stress. It works well for the skin conditions like acne and can be consumed dried, fresh or frozen.

Enjoy cranberries in any form you like, and also enjoy the wealth of health benefits you can get from this powerful little fruit!

Cranberry juice is a great to include in the daily diet of the entire family as its benefits can be reaped by both adults and children alike. Plus its delicious!

Doctors and scientists believe that the cranberry and its juice are very effective in preventing yeast infection. Cranberry juice contains substances that render bacteria unable to cling on the walls of the mouth, intestines, and even the urinary tract. Fresh cranberry juice is effective in flushing out Candida yeasts and other excess cells and fungi from the body.


The information contained above is for general consumer understanding and education, and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This product is not an alternative to any prescription drug. If you are currently taking a prescription drug, consult your doctor before making any changes. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 


Is Nutrition Key to a Healthy Lifestyle?

294687-5110-33We have all been introduced to the importance of nutrition early on. Remember how we used to memorize Go, Grow, Glow in grade school? Well, that is not for naught. The right nutrition contributes to healthy body and lifestyle.

Nutrition is Key to a Healthy Lifestyle

Our body was designed to heal itself. Amazing work of art, we are! We have unique components that allow us to regenerate and reverse aging and deterioration due to internal and external abuse. In order to keep the body in good shape we need proper nutrition to fuel our body. Like gas that fuels a car to make it function well, the food that we eat is the fuel that sustains us.

Eating three square meals a day; would it ensure us that we are giving our body the right amount it needs daily? Yes and no. The nutrition your body needs comes from the food that we eat, but our body needs a certain amount of vitamins and minerals and we definitely do not eat them. Can you eat 10 cups of green leafy vegetables; 12 pcs of oranges and about 60 pcs of other different fruits for your vitamins and anti-oxidant; several kilos of fish to get your daily doze of fatty acids? Then the answer is no.

What should you eat

As children we need vitamins and minerals to help us reach optimum growth. Our parents buy special milk formulas, several different vitamin supplements to ensure that we get the right amount of nutrition that we need especially because as children we often skip important meals, we load up on junk food and we often don’t get enough rest. As we grow older we thought we are way past the nourishing years only because we have grown taller, packed more muscles and added more years. What we tend to overlook is that the older we get, the more we got exposed to the elements and our body needs nutrition more than ever.

Eat a healthy diet consisting of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables help our body to cleanse and take out toxins that are harmful. These toxins lead to inflammation which results to serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. When the body lacks nutrition it won’t be able to combat the harmful elements that attack the body on a regular basis.

Nutrition as a way of life

Staying healthy and staying in shape need not be very complicated. The only reason we have a hard time losing weight and staying healthy is when we allow ourselves to take our body for granted. We need not wait until we are over- weight, or old or too sick to start a healthy lifestyle. Early on we need to maintain the basic introduction to nutrition that we had when we were kids. Eat go grow glow foods to a healthy you. “Go” food that will give you the energy to move about. “Grow” foods to help you regenerate your cells to make your body function as it should. And “Glow” foods to ensure that youthful look.

The information contained above is for general consumer understanding and education, and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This product is not an alternative to any prescription drug. If you are currently taking a prescription drug, consult your doctor before making any changes. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

Bacteria and fat: a 'perfect storm' for inflammation

Bacterial toxins activate fat cells producing chronic inflammation, which in turn boosts risk of developing diabetes


Making fat cells immortal might seem like a bad idea to most people, but for a team of University of Iowa scientists it was the ideal way to study how the interaction between bacteria and fat cells might contribute to diabetes.

The connection between fat, bacteria, and diabetes is inflammation, which is the body’s normal reaction to infection or injury. Inflammation is beneficial in small, controlled doses but can be extremely harmful when it persists and becomes chronic.

“The idea is that when fat cells (adipocytes) interact with environmental agents—in this case, bacterial toxins—they then trigger a chronic inflammatory process,” says Patrick Schlievert, UI professor and head of microbiology and co-senior author of a new study published Oct. 30 in the journal PLOS ONE. “We know that chronic inflammation leads to insulin resistance, which can then lead to diabetes. So people are very interested in the underlying causes of chronic inflammation.”
The UI researchers used immortalized fat cells to show that bacterial toxins stimulate fat cells to release molecules called cytokines, which promote inflammation. By immortalizing fat cells the UI team created a stockpile of continuously dividing, identical cells that are necessary for repeat experiments to validate results, explains Al Klingelhutz, UI microbiologist and co-senior author of the study.

Previous studies have shown that a toxin called lipopolysaccharide (LPS) produced by E. coli bacteria that reside in the human gut, triggers fat cells to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines, and this interaction has been proposed to contribute to the development of diabetes.

The UI team focused on a different bacterium, Staphylococcus aureus (staph), which appears to be important in the context of diabetes for two reasons. First, as people become obese and then progress into diabetes they become very heavily colonized with staph bacteria. Secondly, staph is the most common microbe isolated from diabetic foot ulcers, one of the most common and health-threatening complications of diabetes.

All staph bacteria make toxins called superantigens—molecules that disruptorgainc-blog-1b the immune system. Schlievert’s research has previously shown that superantigens cause the deadly effects of various staph infections, such as toxic shock syndrome, sepsis, and endocarditis.

The new UI study shows that superantigens from staph bacteria trigger fat cells to produce pro-inflammatory molecules. Moreover, the study found that superantigens synergized with LPS from E. coli to magnify fat cells’ cytokine responses, amplifying the inflammation, which could potentially boost the likelihood of developing diabetes.

“The E. coli that resides in our gut produces LPS and every day a small amount of this toxin gets into our circulation, but it is generally cleared from the circulation by the liver. However, people colonized by staph bacteria are also chronically exposed to superantigens, which shut down the LPS detoxification pathway,” Schlievert explains. “That creates a synergy between the ‘uncleared’ LPS and the superantigen. All these two molecules do is cause inflammation and cytokine production. So in essence, their presence together creates a perfect storm for inflammation.”

The findings suggest that by promoting chronic inflammation through their effect on fat cells, staph superantigens may play a role in the development of diabetes. In addition, the chronic inflammation caused by the superantigens may also hinder wound healing in diabetic foot ulcers. The ulcers, which affect 15 to 25 percent of people with diabetes, are notoriously difficult to heal and can often lead to amputation.

Why immortalize fat cells?

The UI team created immortalized fat cells for their research because primary fat cells (taken directly from fat tissue) are not very useful for lab experiments. Once the primary cells are grown in a dish, they quickly stop dividing and can’t be used for repeated experiments. In contrast, the immortalized fat cells allow experiments to be repeated multiple times on identical cells ensuring consistent, reproducible results.

Klingelhutz and his team immortalized immature precursor fat cells by adding in two genes from HPV (the virus that causes cervical cancer) along with a gene for part of an enzyme that controls the length of cells’ telomeres —the pieces of DNA that protect chromosome tips from deterioration. These immortal precursor cells could then be “grown up” in petri dishes and differentiated into normal fat cells.

“The immortal fat cells are a great experimental tool that will allow us to investigate the mechanisms of the inflammation and allow us to test ways to potentially inhibit the response,” says Klingelhutz. “That would be a goal in the future.”

In addition to Schlievert and Klingelhutz, the research team included UI graduate student and study’s lead author Bao Vu, and UI research assistant Francoise Gourronc; and University of Minnesota professor David Bernlohr.

The study was funded by a UI Department of Microbiology Development Grant and a research grant from the National Institutes of Health (Grant# AI074283).


The Pregnancy Vitamin That Increases Cancer 30%

Just as counterfeit Rolex watches are sold to intoxicated teenagers on the streets of Mexico, the drug industry pushes counterfeits of Mother Nature to consumers dizzy with marketing spin. I’m talking about the “folic acid fallacy.” Folic acid is a cheap counterfeit isolate of the naturally occurring “folate.”

The term folate (not folic acid) encompasses a slew of naturally occurring chemical cousins – chemists call them isomers – that have a wide range of positive roles in the body. Without full-spectrum natural folate, our body becomes a breeding ground for Alzheimer’s disease, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, neural tube defects, poor cognitive performance, depression, hearing loss and many types of cancer.

In one of the biggest natural heists in pharmaceutical history, Big Pharma has stolen the real folate from the marketplace and replaced it with their counterfeit: Folic acid. Known to chemists as pteroylglutamic acid monoglutamate, the drug folic acid is one of the best-selling counterfeits infiltrating nutritional supplement products such as multi-vitamins and prenatals. Adding injury to insult, the FDA mandated that grain-based foods such as bread and cereal, be fortified with it in 1996. The only thing missing is a “black box warning,” because the side effects are staggering.

Today, an estimated 274 million people are being exposed to folic acid. Unbeknownst to them, the synthetic compound has proven adverse effects and according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “no long term studies exist to evaluate the risks associated with prolonged use.” Supplement promoters always get their panties-in-a-wad hearing this, insisting that “I’m missing vital studies.” Please. I have piles of research papers bigger than most midget thinkers who push cheap, nutritional supplement propaganda online –Ah, there goes my ego again, and I’m not even drinking.

Prenatal and postnatal supplementation of folic acid in mothers on a standard diet resulted in the occurrence of higher numbers of cancer tumors. The Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening trial linked folic acid intake with 20% to 32% increased risk of breast cancer in women consuming more than 400 microg/d supplemental folic acid.

Moms who supplement with folic acid face a drug induced illness known as MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate polymorphism). Kinda like the shuffling of cards, folic acid can shuffle your genetic map leading to altered DNA activity, putting moms at risk for heart disease as well as colonic cancer and acute leukemia later in life. Writing for Nature magazine, scientists warned in 2005 that the use of folic acid in fortification programs worldwide could have, “the side effect of increasing the prevalence of some of the most significant, human life-threatening diseases.”

The history of folate dates back to 1931 when chemists concluded that anemia was caused by a dietary deficiency of the vitamin, based on their discovery of it in folate rich foods like liver and yeast. Big Pharma – smelling big money in a synthetic version – moved quickly to counterfeit the natural cure. Folic acid was created in a lab in 1941 and today has replaced natural folate consumption, but not without risk.

Fortunately, wiping out illness associated with a folate deficiency is simply a matter of adhering to “nutrient logic” rather than popping unpredictable pills. You can do this by bolstering your diet with foods rich in folate like liver, leafy green vegetables (such as spinach and turnip greens), fruits (such as citrus fruits and juices), eggs, dried beans and peas, and the forgotten master folate supplement, non-fortified brewer’s yeast.



The information contained above is for general consumer understanding and education, and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This product is not an alternative to any prescription drug. If you are currently taking a prescription drug, consult your doctor before making any changes. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.